Thursday, March 20, 2008

Tommy Baker

Scan000011019, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Word from several people that Tommy Baker died suddenly today from the result of a heart attack.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about this tragic loss to the show world!
I only met Tommy once, at Evansville, and he was quite the gentleman, knowing full well that every ringmaster/announcer that visited there was "firing" on his job!
As I understand it Tommy was in other types of show buisness, such as reviews, etc, so that he had a well rounded personality, in all factets of the show world.
If anyone has an address, or any details, where condolences can be sent please post here, or advise me directly at
Thank you...and rest well my friend, Tommy Baker!
Pete, the Baraboobian!

Anonymous said...

I first met Tommy when I was a clown on the Red and he was working with his father on the Blue. He was presenting a liberty act then I think and starring as Aladdin in the Spec.

Years later we hooked up again when Tommy was the star of the live Universal Studios Tour show "Castle Dracula." Tommy was of course Dracula... and got to eat all the bugs I wanted as Renfield. I have never had so much fun in my life. Tommy and his mother Judy stayed with my wife and me during rehearsals. What wonderful people they were. I loved them both.

Rest in peace my good friend.

CsiLiG said...

I haven't heard about Tommy Baker till yesterday! My name is László Göndör. I'm Hungarian. I was wondering to find my family's root when I have been told that Tommy Baker was the son to Judy Baker who is my relative. She has born in Budapest as Juci Göndör. She was my father's cousin! I'm very sorry about Tommy! If anyone knows information or has pictures about them please let me know or send me to my e-mail address
Judy's father who was my father's uncle known as Edmondo and he has ran "The Great Magyar Troup" before the second world war. I have an other relative who's Nicholas (Miklós) Göndör. He was known as Corodini the magician, he has led the Great Circus in Budapest from 1945 till 1949. If anybody can pass infos about him or his relatives please send me too. I appreciate for any support and help!