Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Second "Anna May" #1

MAIL0054, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

When this elephant arrived to Kelly-Miller in 1950, my dad christened her after the Clyde Beatty "Anna May" since they were similar in intelligence.


henry edgar said...

Both Anna Mays were very, very special elephants. both were big assets wherever they performed, and they were also great friends to the people they knew. both will be loved in our memories forever.

Bob Karczewski said...

What became of the Clyde Beatty Anna May?

Buckles said...

In my notes I see that she died with Sells & Gray in 1970.

Anonymous said...

In the 1950s, elementary schools showed an educational short subject film about training an elephant. The beast was called "Mumbo" or some such thing. Does anyone remember it, or know anything about the principals present in the production? Thius view sort of reminds me of the training and presentation setting in the film.