Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Rice Bros. Circus 1936 #3

Scan000010930, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

For the senior citizens of the day, we see the "Original Dan Rice Circus".


Anonymous said...

Looks like the variation here is "Sell's," sort of like "Howe's" instead of "Howes," as done by the likes of Mugivan & Bowers. Maybe Brydon was concerned about the Gump coming after him for trademark infringement, as in 1935 Hagenbeck-Wallace and Forepaugh-Sells had toured, thereby keeping the title out of the public domain after 24 years of non-use. Back in the early 1900s, the Ringlings went to court against Sells-Floto over the use of the Sells title. I recall that they couldn't stop Willy Sells and Tammen & Bonfils from using his own last name [as in 1891, too, when he had Sells & Rentfrow), but they couldn't use portraits of the Sells brothers in their advertising. Tammen later wrote the Ringlings asking what to do with all the paper they had printed--but their response isn't preserved.