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Thursday, February 28, 2008
From Herta (Klauser) Cuneo
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2/28/2008 10:25:00 PM
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2/28/2008 10:25:00 PM
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Let me be the first. A question was raised about an act running to long, not by me and I responded that is the Hawthorn Tradition, meaning as you just stated that that is the way it is done.
A question was raised about having a choice in what animals you train, not by me and I responded that it was not as hard as it seemed. Pointing out why just as you have stated.
When an issue was raised about the props and pyramid, I suggested that it was worse in the old day's until the wench's and prop cart's were added. You are right, I didn't say John had added them. Sorry. I just assumed everybody knew that.
When a suggestion was raised that one of our act's was sent to Europe and left on it's own with no help from Mr. Cuneo I suggested that that wasn't the case. Should I have said more?
I believe I have responded favorably to any picture of you and your skill's because it was something special and that is a FACT.
There have been a lot of poste's, if I have missed any let me know.
I was only in Sarasota 2 day's, and am sorry I didn't have time to stop. I did get in one night briefly, and caught Circus Sarasota for the first time. I thought it was great. What did you think?
Love you Herta,
Wade Burck
Mrs. Cuneo, respectfully I'm concerned that perhaps you've read a bit more into this conversation than anyone might have imagined. Hawthorn tiger acts are much admired around the world and are certainly a credit to Mr. Cuneo's commitment to the Hawthorn tiger program, and a credit to the trainers and presenters associated with Hawthorn, including Mr Burck. Don't let the rough and tumble nature of the dialog diminish what is sometimes a fascinating conversation. There is no animus or rancor intended.
Guys! Now you've done it! Gotten the MRS into the fray. I agree that this has all gone on long enough. As a townie, I have enjoyed many many circus acts, zoo acts, and the like. We did not sit around and say "gee, wonder if this is an American or European act, etc. etc. They all have much to offer to those of us not so hung up on the style. I was very lucky to be part of the Woodcock Williams acts and worked in Brazil with Ben for a year, and at CW in FL. I don't consider myself a trainer of course, but from the family, I learned quite a lot and loved every minute of it. Does it really matter on the issue of one vs the other? As long as we are all entertained. I like the blog much better when everyone shares and does not disagree so much, the BLOG is for enjoyment! Thanks! Karen Glenn
BTW, Mrs Cuneo is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing this photo with us. Karen Glenn
...should we be looking for a picture of Ken Feld soon? I think Alana & Nicole have computers. Unless they are all being used in the production numbers.
Mr Bill. I had the same thought, though it was more along the lines of, "It's almost March and in a couple weeks I've gotta go back out into the mud. If N or A starts posting to the blog I do hope somebody sends me smoke signals."
Let it never be said that the publisher of this blog isn't fair and balanced, presenting all sides of an issue.
Mrs Cuneo,
I got to see one of the great trainers you employed up close and I mean real close.
Dick Gardens, Sterling and Reid Bros wintered in my home town of Beaumont, Texas for a few years.
Pat White was here with your cats.
And not for just a few days but spent the winter here.
I was out there about every day to shoot pictues and have a ton of fun.
I got to see Pat at work and your animals came first as they were taken care of the best I have ever seen.
Pat picked a covered building with a dirt floor and that is where she stayed all winter long.
I tried to take here to dinner but she was there taking care of the cats.
I got to witness many training sessions up by the cage as Pat told me where to stand for safety.
Pat trained them with lots of loving care and alot of patience.
You had a great trainer and presenter in Pat White.
Everything she did with the cats was top notch and Pat sold the act to the audience as she is a real trooper.
Karen Glenn,
Darrel also read "melee" into a subject, which suprised all involved, because we were not aware of it. You might be suprised at how many poste's are discussed in advance before they are posted.
I wasn't aware that the blog had a single purpose, that being "enjoyment", but I stand corrected if I am wrong. Some "enjoy" George Carlin, some "enjoy" ESPN, and still other's "enjoy" the History Channel.
Although I don't believe I have ever met you, I did see you work when you were affiliated with the Woodcock's, and your beauty was also memorable.
Wade Burck
In my short 28 yr Circus Career...I will always Cherish the time I worked for John and Herta...Not only were they the BEST employers I ever worked for..they also accepted me as their freind....I hold them both dear to my Heart and will be forever thankful for the opportunity's and Freindship they gave me....Thanks Mr. and Mrs. John F Cuneo....I miss you both, and Hope to see you soon.....Sincerely Jim Zajicek
Ben Trumble,
For anybody who may have missed it, DIRECTING YOUR ATTENTION TO THE HUGH STEEL ARENA WHERE YOU WILL NOW WITNESS THE LARGEST AGGREGATION OF NATURAL BORN JUNGLE KILLERS EVER ASSEMBLED!!!! Just kidding. But now that everyone is looking(I learned that little trick from Jim Zijcek), check out comment # 18, under picture # 10893.
I am wondering is we could add a "Shaman/Soothsayer training style" to your list of useless titles. Don't worry about smoke signal's, I think I have discovered a kinetic deal. Will let you know ASAP. Thank's Ben. Glad you approve, I'll poste it now.
Wade Burck(but you already knew that)
P.S. I concur with your comment's about Captain Blog, and his skill's at the helm. If you have a problem with something going through, just change worthless to useless, and send it again. Should be all right. LOL
Wade. I believe I once saw a representative of the Shaman/Soothsayer Style present a reptile act on the Alain Zerbini show. As a fan of scaly things I thought it was pretty good, and anybody who can use a tortoise in an animal act gets high marks for imagination.
There is alot of back Peddling in these resent posts!!!PS: NEVER BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU !
In regards to European or American I offer the Curator's short list...1.When I stay n Tampa...I prefer Lauro's over Pizza Hut..2. I prefer sneakers over Clogs..3. even tho my last name is Czech..I remain a Yankee born in Chicago..4.if I ever collect a paycheck in Europe...I promise I won't mention How much better the "New World is".......There you have it...Gringo's 3....Hulligans 1.....Jim Zajicek
Please don't take my above poste to Ben Trumble out of context. It was in reference to another subject. About 90% of the misunderstanding's occur because some anonymous starts reading the story on chapter 6. The back pedaling, if it does occur, is after a poste is sent, and some anonymous say's something stupid. Get with it, or be quiet.
Wade Burck
If you really took my comment to mean Hawthorn turns out inferior acts, I apologize.
Nothing could be further from the truth, when ever there is a discussion regarding Hawthorn, there is one constant opinion, John Cuneo has never put out a bad product, I understand that "Hawthorn Tradition", and wholly agree with it, his acts have always been top quality.
I was referring to the list of which cats should be trained to do what tricks, and trying to point out that in this endless discussion about who is "the best", Wade should be among those considered
whether he is told what to do, or does it on his own.
I have no idea what gives you the impression that Trudy was not happy working for John, she had nothing to do with any of this, she & I both spent eleven years taking the best possible care of the animals, and the equipment, as if they were our own, and represented Hawthorn loyally.
You are absolutely right that Trudy enjoyed her time with Hawthorn, and never complained and I am quite aware of John’s high regard for her as an employee, she was never a part of any of the comments, so I obviously did not say she had to “cope” with anything. It was used in reference to Wade, and it was my word not his, it was also not a good choice of words on my part. Again I am sorry if it sounded like I was degrading the quality of Hawthorn Acts, it was not meant that way.
Bill Strong
This can of worms gets opened while I am doing a spot. I reread the original post and I don't get where this new thread came from. But on the subject of people loyal to the Hawthorn tradition, Mrs Cuneo let me say this, with all due respect. I was recently offered a job working a Hawthorn act, which I am greatful for to this day. I passed on the offer, and then it was mentioned that maybe Wade had convinced me not to take the spot, by running down the job. This is 100% false, Mr. Burck was a good company man, and never said a basd word about employment at Hawthorn. Being a student of human nature, I realized after two days of visiting, just what "tradition" was, but it was not through the words of Mr. Burck. I will not say what deterred me from the job in this open forum, as that is not fair, and could be deemed "unseemly" I just wanted to set that record staight, and say I found Wade to be with and for the Hawthorn corp. and I would hate for him to be made out as otherwise here.
....We must respond to this thread....As we know for a fact that Mr. Burck holds Hawthorne Co., and both you Herta and John in the highest regards, and greatly values your friendship....How much more loyal does a man have to be, then spending most of his career with the same company, and then teaching his son to follow in his footsteps, working for that same company?
I guess now that it has been "offered as evidence", I won't be out of line by suggesting that I am even told what to do with my son. I guess because that is also something I don't know how to do right.
Wade Burck
Well, if in the unlikely event that this 'melee' has any effect on Mr. Burck's employment, he can always run a blog. Oh, wait, he already does.
I don't want to get involved in the "melee". Just want to agree with Karen on the fact that this is a beautiful picture of Herta.
I scanned that picture of Herta from a Ringling program and being ever the gentleman, the year was undisclosed.
I have never written to this blog and didnt intend to as I normally play it safe and stay out of things; but Harry gave me a different idea. I am a second generation juggler; and my family; from Europe is held in high regard in the circus. As I have been working in clubs for the past 17 years I tend to stay out of circus business but feel qualified to respond. I last talked to Wade Burck in I believe 1984 when Ringling was at the Garden; so it is not about friends it is about facts that he always asks for. I was on Clyde Brothers circus with my mother and father when wade first applied for a job. As I was only 8 years older then him we became friends. It was my mother who explained to him what a blue blood was when he was told he couldnt be an animal trainer because he wasnt one. I was the one who told him what a shit shoveler was when he asked a young lady in the flying act to go out to eat after the show and her mother told him no , because he was a shit shoveler. The circus has never been a easy place for outsiders to be accepted. In less then 10 years Wade by very hard work and desire forgot about not being a blue blood and a shit shoveler and became a feature performer on Ringling Bros circus. Who else has done it that fast.t. Even his idols Charl y Bauman and Gunther Gebel didn't.
One day when he was cleaning out the dirty elephant truck, I wanted to go eat; and I asked him how he could stand being smelly and dirty all the time. He said it;s not so bad, some day I am going to be on Ringling. I am sure Mrs Cuneo(who we worked whit when I was younger) and Hawhtorne helped. But many people from Andrew Kirby to George Hamid Sr. have offered to take credit over the years; so if that is what Mrs. Cuneo wants is credit get in the long line. I f I was treated as he was my chip would be much bigger but his seems to filled with wonder and not so easily bluffed. I don;t wonder why; I know why, I was there at the start.
I intended to sign my full name, but after seeing how people who do are treated; I will only sign Michael. I hope to seee old friends if you are ever in Branson.
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