Friday, February 01, 2008

Dolly Bros. #5

IMG_2977, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This was a cute gag done by clown remarkably similar to David Larible.


Pat Cashin said...

If I'm not mistaken it's Jimmy Folco.

I've been told that he's David Larible's cousin.


24-HOUR-MAN said...

I first saw this gag 8 years ago on Krone, done by Swiss clown Andre, I showed it on video all day at the Showfolks Flea Market the following Winter, & am really surprised it took this long to get here. It is a great gag.

Raffaele De Ritis said...

He is not Larible's cousin but he is italian too.

The gag was first created by Andrei Nicolaiev "Nico" in Russia in the 70s. But was popularized by a version of Larible at Monte Carlo in 1987, with a fake crocodile and the child's pool. Everybody copied after David.

But I think this topic should better continue on

Anonymous said...

Mr. de Ritis,
I miss you in Monaco, and now I miss you in Florida. I do hope to personally met, and shake your hand one day.
I would like to ask your take on a couple of thing's, and I hope you don't mind the occasional "hot seat".
Standing ovation's were traditionally reserved for something of such a magnitute that it took your breath away, or moved you emotionally. When a standing ovation is given for everything, as in MC, do you not think, the signifigance is lost, and it becomes rather condensending?
The presenting of the cape, to Mr. Vasques, while being touching, seemed to be rather self serving,(come on, kissing the hallowed grounnd) and grandeous, done in a public format. I would suggest that privatly after the performance, in the dressing room, would have been more appropriate, and more heartfelt, in honoring the great arealist, Migel Vasques.
Personally I don't agree with Mr. Cockerline's thought's on black as a costume color. I wonder what his take would have been on the audience at MC. I don't think it was a funeral, and I surly know it wasn't Broadway or the opera.
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

One guy created it and David did it and then everyone copied DAVID?

Who the hell originated it?

Doesn't this mean that David copied it first?

Why does all of Europe think Larible is God? Here in the USA God is played by Kenneth Feld.