Saturday, February 09, 2008

19th Century Tents #7

P.T. Barnum Show- baby elephant and clown (close up)


Anonymous said...

The focus of the previous tent interior is on the performing elephant, for which I've scanned a detailed close up shown here. This is a picture I've wanted to send ever since Buckles mentioned the clown William Conrad and his little elephant Tom Thumb (also known as Don) some months ago but it will take more effort to pin down a precise date and identification for this photo. This could be Conrad who did this act for a number of years in the 1880s (generally on a stage) or it might be, if a later view in the early '90s, Billie Burke with his clown elephant (who is known to have appeared in an end ring). Note the true dirt ring curb then in use on the greatest show on earth (and what might the traditionalists have said back then when the solid curb was introduced?). In the foreground there appears to be a stand on its side for an inside reserve seat vendor.
Dick Flint