Monday, December 24, 2007

RBBB Blue Unit 1980 #28

RBBB1980-26, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Eric said...

I'm assuming that the elephant in the middle with the tusks is John. I recall that Axel would always personally put on his headpiece. When the Blue Unit returned to California in 1982, he was no longer in the herd. Did he become too unreliable to use?

Buckles said...

Early in '81 while showing Lakeland, Fl, "John" was returned to Circus World.

Rick Faber said...

As this is my first post, let me identify myself. I worked at RBBB Circus World in the late 70s as Vice President of Operations and Entertainment--but wait, I was a card-carrying CFA, CHS, etc. Chappie Fox used to say I was the only manager there that knew that Sells-Floto wasn't a type of perfume. John Herriott may remember me as he was Performance Director at the time. During the time there, Axel and I became pretty good friends. He used to announce to the herd that the "boss was in the barn" as he entered and John would straighten up like a scared corporal. John had one blind eye. One morning Axel entered the barn on John's blind side and forgot to announce his presence. John, thinking this was his opportunity to get one of elephant guys, wheeled around and pinned Axel up against the back wall. Fortunately, John's ivory went on either side of Axel's chest but John did manage to break some ribs and laid up Axel in the hospital for a few days. Needless to say, John regretted that mistake. John was certainly a one man elephant and although he respected Axel and Axel's family, he was getting tough and I don't think they wanted to have him tear up ceilings, so they decided not to take him out. I left CW a few months before Axel went on the road, but I was in Lakeland the day he loaded John out. I seem to recall that John was heading to a farm up in New Jersey. Axel put John through his routine out in the parking lot, then loaded him in the truck. I think most of us had a tear in our eye. If there are any other CW alumni or should I say, survivors out there while I was there, please say hello. Merry Christmas, Rick Faber

Anonymous said...

Bucckles, wasn't John the elephant that "nailed" at Circus World and put him in the hospital?

Anonymous said...

Hi Rick , Merry Christmas. I remember you well as I worked one of the Rings for Axel and took photo's the day John was retired in Lakeland. Will forward some to Buckles for the Blog. Darryl

Anonymous said...

The day in quwation with John, I was the only one in the barn hosing down the herd. John was starting to bull as this was March of 1979. I sent one of the crew for Axel as John was acting up. As Rick said Axel did not announce himself and John swung on the next person in his door. As soon as Axel hit the floor, he was back up and John was very apologetic after his mistake. By the time I dropped the hose grabbed my hook and got to John Axell had the situation well in hand. He then rode his bike home before going to the hospital withh broken Ribs and a punctured lung. In March a year latter at the Garden while bulling once again had to be reajusted to keep the roof intact at the Garden.