The band in front of the snake show to serenade the early arrivals. |
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Orton Bros. Circus 1920's #4
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12/29/2007 06:38:00 AM
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Welcome to Buckles Blog. This site is for the discussion of Circus History all over the world.
The band in front of the snake show to serenade the early arrivals. |
Posted by
12/29/2007 06:38:00 AM
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Maby the Modern Day Circus Accountants could " Juggle " there Budgets Differently !
& Discover FUNDS to Hire ;
the most Important ACT -
a GOOD Live Band !
Mr. Woodcock, if i may, i would like to ask to every former and current performer, trainer, showman, sound guy, owner, cook, booker etc... if given the chance to take a show out for 2008, what would they do? Tent or building, animals or no, how many staff, trucks? where would they route it to? From where and when would they open? Any thoughts????
Dan ; I find that a Great Basic list of Questions & it would be intresting to add a few more & maby on this " Questionare Form " have room for some Additional Elaborations .
I also think a Solid Foundation Need Be Set by the Lawmakers so as to be able to Continue & Build / Grow Accordingly without any Outside Fickled Conflicts .
I will continue to ( thanks to your post of similar concern ) put togeather thoughts of how to keep this relm Alive & Even Stronger ( with Pizazz & Harmoniously to ALL ) in this Modern World .
I also must say that Buckles Familys Overland Circus here has MOST ALL the ingrediance to meet the Dream come true for me .
I will work on my Proposal & return it , I also expect I will not be alone in this .
to be cont.
By the time everyone became smart enough to understand the superlatives of your memos from the office wagon, I believe the show would not make it to the "next town"
Clearly ! & Well put !
Pardon my Levity or Attempt at IT
by using a Language & or Jarganistic Word-a-liz-ations in My Foolike Style so Publicly with so many Unkown Recipiants & more so concerning a Factual & Serious Request .
Since a Boy I have enjoyed All the Arts not excluding the Writen Word ; Poetry , Riddles & Limricks etc. & often concentrating on the FUN USE of Words as an Art Form & an admierer of similarly seen Promotions / Programs like that Throughout Mondays December 31st Postings ; I'll work on My Communication Skills even more Now these Old Daze , especialy on this computer & Blogsight ! - Thank You for your Correction & Attention ! )
I Do find not every one , many or any at times , has the Intrest , Appreciation or Temporance for such Antics .
Dan, old time conventional wisdom suggests that Presidential election years aren't kind out circuses. Since both parties will probably have a candidate a month from now, maybe that'll be less of an issue in '08. By April the whole country may be bored to tears with this election. Gotta figure fuel will run up to $4 buck next summer, since the oil companies will want to lock in some $$ while they still have friends in high places. Next President won't be as friendly no matter what Party wins. Labor situation looks bad right now. That said, never say never. Many economists see a Recession this year, on top of the housing meltdown. Probably wise to route away from the hardest hit areas in FL, MI, NV, and CA, and not to linger long in the coastal northeast if you're looking at who will hit hardest. On the bright side agricultural prices look ok. Conference of Mayors recently published a study listing 134 markets hit hardest in the credit/mortgage collapse. Makes it pretty easy to know where NOT to go. Is it a circus if it doesn't have some animals? Nah....
A show with 8 staff, 4 ponies doing rides on a midway and some type of act in the show along with say 2 camels doing the same and a dog act. All under a 50x75ft top, with seating for no more than say, 200 people, playing small towns of no more than 1000 people, towns no other tent show would touch. Traveling on 3 units. A pick-up pulling a bunkhouse, a uhaul type van carrying seats/props/tent/etc.
pulling a small concession stand/ticketbooth combo, and another pickup pulling a stock trailer. Do I win? Hey I just described the Ken and Nicole Gold unit!! No, just kidding..... they don't have a tent.
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