Tuesday, December 25, 2007

From Dave Price

BuckRN, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

For the one or two out there who don't recognize this group, they are (standing left to right) Al, Alf T, Gus, Charles and Otto; (seated left to right) John, (mother) Marie Salomé, (father) August, Ida and Henry.

Monty said...

This photo appears on page 70 of a 1962 book, "Great Days of the Circus". There is no mention of it being a Christmas card. Does anyone know any additional information about the picture?

Anonymous said...

It's a joke, Monty.

I added the wording thinking folks might be mildly amused.

Monty said...

Hey, no problem. Like an old timer once told me, “you can’t fool me, I’m too ignorant”. I just knew when I first saw it that I had seen this picture somewhere, so I couldn’t rest until I found it.