"Eddie Allen putting together "The Changing of the Guard" at Sarasota in 1943." |
Friday, November 09, 2007
Unidentified #3
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11/09/2007 06:21:00 AM
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"Eddie Allen putting together "The Changing of the Guard" at Sarasota in 1943." |
Posted by
11/09/2007 06:21:00 AM
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These Elephants seam to have some DNA of a Mountain Goat in them ?
I would think an Elephant is VERY Dexterious ( & have an excellent Ballance ) for its Size & Shape though with All the Different Positions that I'm aware of , but ; usualy not more than 3 feet off the ground - the highest being at the Top of an Elephant Pyramid .
Aren't thoes center tubs at there limit ?
Bud, these tubs weren't used in the ring but placed on the front track for the cross mount.
I was told that the large tub in the center was hauled in by a Caterpillar while the acts were in progress.
Buckles, Thank's for nothing, for running this picture. Do you hear that "grinding" noise? That's the gear's in John's head putting it all together. Best new's is, we have a Pettibone, and won't have to invest in a caterpillar. Wade Burck
Were these tubs eliminated because of the danger to the elephants?
These particular tubs were discarded because they proved to be so cumbersome. Plus the fact that due to the War, the show was short of working men and another obstacle was eliminated.
Boy I sure would have liked to gotten my hands on that tallest tub for my "What The F.Collection" as my wife calls it. My largest piece is a hippo den to date.
Buckles: Is it to be concluded that The Changing of the Guard remains about the most impressive elephant number ever staged?
I would say so. Robert Ringling presented it for 4 straight years 1943-46.
There is a well known audio tape of the 1943 "Fitch Shampoo Radio Show" in which the Ringling band plays a portion of the "Guard" music.
Mr.Hall, I have a vintage Chain-drive "Mack" you can have for your collection....just come and get it......Jim Zajicek
Mr. Hall,
Is the illustrious Mr Wade B an honorary member of your WHAT THE F COLLECTION?
Wade Burck Fan Club,
A made member actually. There is nothing honorable about it. We are getting ready to "open the book's" again, and have one opening. Are you interested? Salute'. Wade Burck
James C. Hall,
When you pick up that truck from the Curator, swing by Richmond, and we'll load up a full trailer of "what the F", for you. Oh boy, 2 Christmas's in one year!!! Wade Burck
I have a great What The F... Collection devoted to all thing reptilian. I've noticed however that when I leave home for a couple months it's always smaller when I get back. My spouse claims total ignorance as to how a 16' sailbaot modified with Bondo to look like a sea serpent could disappear from the backyard -- though she slyly notes things like, "Now there's room for a gazebo." I am baffled
Looking at that tall tub closer it appears to have a mouse ears top. Must not have been able to roll it.Boy, one could almost convince folks that it originally came from Richmond Ill.
In regards to your chain drive Mack,I assume you are referring to that Midliner Mack you have that you use the chain to pull start before you can drive it AKA "chain drive"? Thanks for the offer, however I don't think I could get it past the wife?
Do you have any photos of this set of tubs in use in the show ? Must have been quite the picture.
Ben Trumble,
My son told me there is a sailboat similiar to what you describe, floating in a hippo tank
in the Dallas, Texas area.
Wade Burck
P.S. Jim Zajicek, also tell's me a concrete floor with ring's has been built at the same place, on the off chance an elephant is wandering around the LBJ Freeway. I alway's thought the movie "Field of Dreams", was a fantasy. I guess some people took it literally. Good Bless, Saint Tepa.
Wade Burck
It goes further than that. The floor is sloped to drain and anchor bolts for a pipe divider.This will remain the greatest story never told.
P.S. That damn movie field of dreams; I later found out was just fictional.
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