Thursday, November 15, 2007

RBBB 1954 #12

Scan000010466, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Otto Scheimann took this picture of George Piercy, Bill Woodcock, Tom Parkinson, Arky Scott and Ken Whipple at Soldier Field in 1954.
In those days our elephant act played a lot of dates in the Mid-West for Barnes-Carruthers, Gus Sun Agency, Howard Schultz, etc.
Mr. Scheimann found a used car dealer in South Bend who liked having us lay off at his place in a fenced in area where the passing traffic could see the elephants. We even had a key to the gate so if we made a date nearby, we might leave after the night show and drive straight there. The best thing for me tho, it was within walking distance of a South Shore train depot taking you right into down town Chicago.
Through this convenience I saw the Ringling Show in 1954 and 1955 but on the occasion of the picture above, Mr. Scheimann drove my folks there.