Friday, November 16, 2007

Peters Family #2

MP070909 044, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

The next picture is recent. Marcel visited Holland last September. (After so many years at Boltini he keeps calling it my 'homecountry'). At the Dutch Circus Herman Renz he met German collegue Tom Dieck and his wife Gillian. (Their son Tommy Dieck jr. is working a wild-animalact there this season.) Gillian is the daughter of the English clown Spuggy. And Marcel remembers him (and her) very well. Because when Marcel started in the stables of Billy Smart as a boy, Spuggy-to-be was next to him brushing the horses. Gillian and Tom met at the German Circus Willy Hagenbeck, where Spuggy was working.


24-HOUR-MAN said...

I haven't seen them for about ten years, and may be wrong but it looks like Tom & Gillian Dieck behind the fence. Both worked big cats, in fact Tom followed Trudy with Krone, great people.