Friday, November 16, 2007

Marcel and son Jason Peters

Father Marcel and son Jason Peters, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

The black and white picture from Marcel Peters was taken (by me, not to be modest)) at the 4th Monte Carlo Circusfestival in 1977. He was working the lions of the Dutch Circus Boltini. After that perfomance he could go anywhere with this group, but Boltini won't let him. That's why he decided to start all over again in Australia, with Ashton. A deal, made on the Monte Carlo-circusground. But he always stayed 'on speaking terms' with Toni Boltini, whom he respected very much. Even now he now and then does a job for Boltini's widow, Pammy. Like film and other special events.
Father and son in Australia must be dated early or mid eighties. At Ashton's.