Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I guess this makes it official!
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11/28/2007 12:43:00 PM
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11/28/2007 12:43:00 PM
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I don't think ANYONE welcomed the news of a possible closure. This gives us all hope that the American Circus is alive and well.
Mr. JRNII involvement in the circus scene was a fantastic moral booster and I don't think I am wrong by stating that all the friends of the circus wish him nothing but the very finest of success.
May you have many seasons of prosperity!
Hi Mr. John,
After meeting you in Hugo last year I knew from the get go this rumor was not true.
I cannot wait to see the new Kelly Miller Circus open with the North touch.
I will be there with camera in hand see the World's Newest Big Show.
Your friend in Texas.
Harry Kingston
Mr. Woodcock,
Will you be going to Hugo for the show?
That's a relief the rumors of closing are unfounded. I have a question about Kelly Miller Circus. In years gone by when I asked David Rawls why he didn't want a cat act on the show, he gave me a one word reply: "Insurance".
Does anyone other than me miss a cat act on this otherwise picture perfect tent show?
Have a great 2008 season, Kelly-Miller Circus!
To be honest, it takes considerable motivation for me to drive to the grocery store.
My next trip to Hugo will probably be to Mt. Olivet Cemetery, bourn on the wings of angels.
Anonymous will be pleased to know that JRN II also wanted Kelly Miller to have a cat act, and has booked Casey Cainan and his tigers for the 2008 edition.
Mr. Buckles,
You got to go to Hugo; you've been summoned.
You can mention to JRN2 that your family was in the circus business when the Ringling Brothers were still wearing wooden shoes.
The above is meant with humor; so don't start writing your Congressmen.
Congradulations to the Cainin amily. Casey, if i may ask, I read an article out of Minneapolis that mentioned you and your cats being in Willmar, MN. i was unable to attend, who produces that date, and what other acts were present??
Great news about Casey coming to K-M in 2008!
I wish him the best of luck
Have some peanuts, Harry.
Book your plane ticket from SRQ (Sarasota) to the Hugo International Airport ASAP and take JRN2 up on his gentlemanly invitation of attending the World Premier of Kelly Miller.
The Woodcock/Orton and Ringling/North families must have 300 years of Celebrated Circus Excellence between them.
You could sit in a roped off area with lawn chairs all days discussing the circus business while legions of fans gather at the rope taking photos. It would be like watching Tiger Woods at the Masters.
It would be like a circus summit; like the Pope visiting America; like the return of Elvis. The possibilities are endless.
Please consider the historical importance of such a meeting. We're not asking you to go to the grocery store we're just asking you to meet Mr. JRN2.
Last and final boarding call for Hugo International.
You could also visit your real estate interest in Mt. Olivet to make sure there are no squatters.
I haven't heard from Wade, perhaps he is still recovering from that nasty bump on his head when he fell backwards and hit the floor when he heard about Casey and Kelly Miller.
Wade will never be the same; which some might consider a good thing.
Hey, where has Col. Herriott been? Is everything OK at the 101 Ranch?
This would not be the first time that a Ringling family heir would take out an overland motorized circus. In the early years of the last century, Richard Ringing, son of Alf. T. Ringling would do just that. He did not use the Ringling name, but titled it, R. T. Richard Bros. Circus. I heard he was quite flambouyant, driving the latest models of expensive motor cars of that time at a high rate of speed, plus other high living as well. Similar to his cousins, John and Henry. My knowledge of the show is scetchy to say the least, but it has been well documented by astute circus historians.
Great news about a cat act on Kelly-Miller in 2008.
Dan H,
The Willmar date was produced by James Plunkett. Other acts included, Romanians (russian bar,hula hoops, quick change) Abbadilla Family (Globe,lyra,more hula hoops)Christine Plunkett (Equine acts, Ringmaster)and circus funny man Eggroll, (lots of funny stuff, but nothing "Chinese" related) and the cat act.
WB fan club,
I have not heard from wade since the last day of "THE DATE". You are rite, probably recovering. When your body gets used to only making one date a year, the one date becomes very taxing.
I had the privilege of seeing the Kelly Miller Circus this past summer when they played Frankfort, Michigan. It is one of the best circuses I have ever seen in my lifetime and I started going to circuses in Traverse City, Michigan back in 1956 (which would have been the railroad version of the Clyde Beatty Circus) when I was not quite ten years old.
Keep up the good work and I will look forward to catching the show the next time they are in the area.
Robert J Karczewski
The illustrious Col. Herriott should accompany the immortalized Buckles Woodcock on the upcoming triad with the honorable JRN2 in Hugo next March.
As they do with Presidential junkets, a plane could be chartered to transport the Herriott/Woodcock duo and a large delegation of circus illuminaries and odd outlaws from SRQ(Sarasota) to IHOP (Hugo International Airport).
Complimentary Pancakes Served to All.
Richard Reynolds asks - -
What date should we put on the fine photo of the North brothers. I'd say maybe 1940-41?
Henry to John: John, big bro, I've got an idea...let's take this one elephant and a bunch of starving acts and one ring and book it in all those small towns. We'll call it RBBB the GSOE, but those hayseeds won't know any difference. Plus we can put it all into 4 24 foot trucks.
John to Henry: You're about to destroy what it took our family 75 years to build.
---Gold Show opens soon, don't bring a lot of film there, won't be that much to see.
Maybe even earlier, they look pretty young.
A story that might bear repeating. I was with the Polack Show in 1967 while the Ringling Show was appearing in the brand new Anaheim Arena. In fact the area in back was still under construction so Hugo allowed me to unload my elephants in a dirt area behind the elephant tent and spend a few days.
One evening, by happenstance, I found myself in one of the hallways in the company of Jack Joyce, Tuffy,Parley Baer, a few more and Henry Ringling North (pretty heady stuff for a mud show guy such as myself).
Having heard that Henry North was somewhat of a circus fan, during a lull in the conversation I introduced myself and mentioned that I was a friend of Arky Scott.
I never looked into a blanker face and he said "I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with the name."
I was stunned and quickly started lobbying, bringing up his renown in the GSOE movie but he never cracked.
With Joey Frisco headed for ringling with his parents, does this mean Casey will be working bulls too??
To anonymous,
Negative, my wife and I will have our hands full with our own animals next year.
If not Casey then who?? Surely you and your wife can handle for cats and 5-7 poodles.
Speaking of things Hugo, as it were. Three weeks ago our neighbor went to Dallas to a teachers convention. She's big on photographing graveyards, and as she was to have a couple extra days, I suggested a trip to Hugo. She has a minor medical condition and doesn't drive, but she figured she could find a bus, or an airporter type shuttle at least as far as Paris. Anyway, her hotel checked for her, and they couldn't find anything that would get her closer than Sulver Springs, or Durant. Is it really that cut off these days? I'm sure I remember bus service at least a couple days a week no more than ten years ago.
Anonymous #1
It will be more then enough for me, and they are American Eskimos.
Anonymous #2
Dixie transport hauls to DFW twice a week. They haul any where in the city of Hugo for two bucks I think.However the Paris Greyhound is outta business. We do however have two new taxi companies in Paris (3 total) so if she made it to Paris, she could make the rest of the trip easy.
Dixie Transport goes to DFW everyday, price is $ 40.00. For those that wish to go to Tulsa or OKC, Dixie Transport of Idabel provides that service twice weekly. Why anyone would want to leave Hugo is a mystery to me.-BJ
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