This poster is from the Dave Hoover collection, and was recently sold to a well known CFA member. |
Thursday, November 08, 2007
From Jim Cole
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11/08/2007 07:25:00 AM
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Welcome to Buckles Blog. This site is for the discussion of Circus History all over the world.
This poster is from the Dave Hoover collection, and was recently sold to a well known CFA member. |
Posted by
11/08/2007 07:25:00 AM
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As a young boy I remember my Dad taking me with him as a frquent visitor on the lot in Wash. DC. He worked at the National Zoo at that time directed by great circus fan Dr. William Mann. He knew chief of cowboys "Silver Tip Baker" and other circus wild west people with the show. [It folded right there in DC]. Incidentally Gen. Mgr. was Buster Cronin from Al. G. Barnes and announcer and his first year "on the road was famed Col. Harry Thomas.
A big great show and Tim McCoy took extensive part in the horse roping along with great american cowboys and Vaqueros.
The finale was the driving of the "golden spike" where east meets west on the prairie. They had two huge phoney locomotives that would slowly meet each other at the back door curtain with McCoy, cowboys and Indians all in attendence at this recreated "grand historical event".
You can be sure that as a kid I was all eyes and will never forget it.
McCoy's claim to fame I understood that he was an expert linquist as a Army calvary officer during the last days of Indian re-sttlement, especially knowing some nine Indian tribe Sign languages and was great as an interigator and consuel in general. Quite a guy.
From Eric:
His 1977 autobiography TIM McCOY REMEMBERS THE WEST includes a chapter on his circus career.
John H. states that the show "folded right here in DC". The rotted remains of one rail car use to be found in the bushes of NE DC. Great CMB members Bob Robinson and Leo Keller use to know exactly where it was and could take you there. Do not know if anyone knows the exact location any more?
Carl Bly
Sounds like quite a show Johnny. Being a fan of Roy Rogers as a kid I would loved to have seen the Tim McCoy show. I am afraid the closes I come to seeing that part of show business would have been Rex Rossy in concert on the Al G Kelly Miller show in the early 60's. Also I almost forgot The one and only Texas Tommy.
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