Wednesday, October 10, 2007

"Diamond" Knoxville Zoo 1979 (From Richard Reynolds)

Scan000010304, originally uploaded by buckles


Anonymous said...

Richard must have been there about the time I was. I took some very similar pix and I remember sending you one at the time.

Wish I had known Richard was on the lot; I would have let him spring for the brown ales.

Anonymous said...

Richard Reynolds says - - -

I would like to take credit for this photo but it is not mine. However, I did see the big guy there in 1979 and what a whopper he was, the largest elephant I have ever seen in person. Just think I saw him in 1955 when he was only a little punk. I even went into his room with him. He had a super reinforced cage compartment where he spent the night. It stood in the center with a walkway all around it. The big cage was about 12’ wide and 20’ ft. long. There he was with that big eye looking down suspiciously on me from way, way above. I asked the keepers to make sure to get an accurate, scientific floor to shoulder height measurement but they never did. He was right at 11 ft. however.