Sunday, September 23, 2007

No. 181- Rocasimi with Circus Paula Busch 1934

Scan000010212, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Buckles said...

This is as far as I could get this morning.
As you may know this stuff is entered backwards from bottom to top, after entering this picture the symbols "Blogger" and "Flickr" vanished, bringing things to screeching halt.
Pictures #179 and #180 await Shannon's arrival later this morning.

Anonymous said...

To Shannon:
Under Recent Comments on the left side of the home page: Why are the first three still there? They do not seem to update each day.

Anonymous said...

As A Circus Clown I Rehearsed to work in a Bear Act on Request .
( Challenging , Daring & under Unusual Circumstances - Truly an Experiance )

One doesn't often see Clowns ( in makeup )& Wild or Exotic Animals in the Same Ring togeather . This is the first I have seen a Clown with Big Cats working togeather .

Kinda feels a little UN-Fenshuay -

Great Photograph !

Anonymous said...

Roger, Check out the lion's teeth. I suspect photographers may have been more creative back then, then we give them credit for.
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

Photographer COULD be VERY creative before photoshop. I've always been very picky about photographs and before photoshop i seldom had problems with fixing things. a good photograher could indeed be very creative in the dark room.

Anonymous said...

WADE: I agree. Someone had a little fun with the dentition.