Monday, September 24, 2007

Great American Circus 1983

G.A.C.83.001, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This picture taken on a slow day by Wayne Jackson.


Anonymous said...

Top ten reasons Weiner Herriott Plunkett is working the elephant ride on her days with G.A.Circus;
1. Part of the generally useful clause in her contract.
2. She saw Doris Day in Jumbo and Gloria Graham in the GSOE movies and wanted to be just like them.
3. To be like Betty Hutton, "you are real circus Weiner".
4 Obviously short of experienced bull hands.
5. The hand ate tainted pork roast in the cookhouse and was busy in the donicker.
6. Trying to make an extra buck.
7. The hand that should be there is broke down back on the highway driving the prop truck.
8. Now she could put "elephant trainer" on her resume to Tim Holst just like everybody else.
9. She just lioves being around the elephants i8n and out of the ring.
10, She would rather "lead" than "load"
P.S. I will ask her during our next phone conversation.
P.S. Buckles; I also note the continuation of some of your comment section from day to day. Thanks, Johnny.

Anonymous said...

Col., I don't know how you did it but, you are funnier then Buckles. Beside's your other award's, there is now a place reserved for you in the Historic Comment's Hall of Fame. Congrat's. Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

And now the real reason, to be around Joe Frisco!!! The elephant in the picture is Kelly.