Monday, September 24, 2007

From Lane Talburt

IMG_1478, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Thls is Karen, a 21-year-old from the herd of Bob Commerford in Goshen, Connecticut. Karen is one of four giving elephant rides at the Big E fair in West Springfield, Massachusetts, through September 30. Darlene Commerford, Bob's daughter-in-law, is in the background, constantly monitoring Karen's behavior during a rest break.

Lane Talburt


Anonymous said...

Don't the Commerford's only have 3? I coulda swore they sent Nelly to Dade County Zoo. Perhaps Mr. Cline may know?

Anonymous said...

Dan: You're more than likely correct. The Commerfords have two petting zoos at the Big E, and I saw them on separate days. It's just another reminder to this townie that I'd better watch my Ps and Qs around a bunch of elephant guys. Lane