Monday, September 24, 2007

Elephant rides at Parks

MAIL0371, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Zeke Walsh at Benson's Wild Animal Farm.


Anonymous said...

what year is this, if you know? Would this be Betsy? She died in 1971 and is buried on the grounds. The grounds are now so dilapidated. All I can remember is that the big cat's cage is still standing.

Buckles said...

'Betsy" in the 1940's.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Joe Walsh trained a mixed specie wild animal act for the Benson farm that later went to Sy Ruebens Rogers Bros. and then to Gil Gray. Presented by Joe Harwath. Hense his wife Zeke with the elephant ride.

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain this harness for my edification??

Buckles said...

No idea but it looks like something that would come out today if designed by the all the Ken & Nicole elephant consultants.