Friday, August 17, 2007

Peru, Ind. Quarters #1

Scan000010010, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Home of the mighty American Circus Corporation.


Bob Cline said...

I'm sure our friends in Peru will comment, but I believe the two large roofed buildings in the center of this photo are the ones still in existance today as part of the Hall of Fame.

I do remember as a child, the octagon shaped Ring barn still existing in the early 1960's when we stopped out there one day.

Anonymous said...

From Eric:

Chapter 1 of Clyde Beatty's starring serial THE LOST JUNGLE has some great shots that were taken at the Peru winter quarters.

Anonymous said...

Running at right angles to these two barns at the left side of the photo is the old cat barn, which was only torn down in the last thirty or so years. I used to see it from the road when the quarters were owned by a private firm.

The cat barn, as you can see here, incorporated into its walls two earlier and smaller barns- one at each end.

It's a shame this building couldn't have been saved as a lot of history took place there.

Anonymous said...

The Peru site embodied the greatest aggregation of circus winter quarters structures in the US, more than Baraboo, Bridgeport or Sarasota. The property was packed tight and tall with structures, reflecting the same philosophy that the ACC owners applied to their traveling troupes, which were loaded tight and heavy. Two barns [the two in line in the center]and the house-like structure in the lower right remain standing, with parts of another building, wherein seating components were utilized, also in preservation. It must have been a wonderland to visit during the heyday in the mid-1920s. Besides a couple Corporation shows, a some independents were framed at the property in the mid-1920s and there were also many side deals with carnivals and other traveling shows.

Anonymous said...

Such hallowed ground