Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Carson & Barnes Circus 1975 #8

Scan10179, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"Suzie" saddled up for spec. No idea what she carried.


Harry Kingston said...

This is not for the spec. Note the flap over the elephants head and that was to protect the elephant from getting clawed from a cat.
Okie Carr did a lion or a tiger or both on the elephants back in the cage in the center ring.
When you went to a D. R. Miller circus you got your monies worth.
Great days of the circus the way it was.

Anonymous said...

I'm unable to read the full text, but I think it says "No idea what she carried.."
I wonder if this might be the howdah for Freddy the lion who rode Suzy? I don't know which year Freddy was trained, or by whom (Freddy Logan maybe?) but I worked Fred and Sue in 1981. Freddy died later that same year, presumably from old age. Okie said Freddy had been on the show a very long time, so he certainly would have been there in 1975 to ride Suzy.

Anonymous said...

The cat act opened the show then during the next one or two acts the prop guys would redo the props in the cat arena. The next act would be "Suzie" carrying "Freddy" the male lion around the ring. That is what this wardrobe was for. They did this act for several years. As I said a few weeks ago--all those baby elephants amazed my dad. Now looking at the photos I can see why.
Maria Vonderheid

Anonymous said...

Is this the same suzie that in the miller herd of today? Do you know about what age she is in this photo?

Anonymous said...

If that is the Suzie that was still on the show in the 90's you didn't want to stand very near her hind legs, as she had a very swift and accurate side kick.

Buckles said...

Yes it is. She joined Carson & Barnes in 1959 when the show was owned by Jack Moore. These days she is over 50.