Thursday, June 21, 2007

Clay's Comedy Shows #3

SAVE2986, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Surprising how little tented theatricals have changed over the past 80 years.
This light plant was probably just as unreliable as the ones today.


Anonymous said...

Interesting spot for the ticket window: up front near the driver's seat.

Trucks were often sold without cabs in those days and many showmen built the entire body right on the bare chassis and in any configuration they wished.

You might have known old Professor James A Morrison, a small-time tent showman who took his little magic and novelty show all over Texas and wintered at McDade between Giddings and Austin.

He told me that in 1914 he drove his housecar right through downtown Houston- out Main Street and clear to Victoria- and the only window he could see out of was the 8 by 10 glass from a picture frame that he had installed in front of the driver's seat.

No side views, certainly none to the rear. Apparently the fuzz didn't notice him.

Anonymous said...

Must have been in the late fall or winter time to drive through this part of the country without any windows to open up! He would be well done in the summer....

Lady of the Lakes said...

Buckles, I see this post is number 3 for Clay's Comedy Shows. I found number one, but do not see number 2. Can you help me locate it? If you would like more photos of the show - my grandfather, the traveling roustabouts, the tents, advertising, etc., please contact me and I'll be happy to share with you.

Thank you so much for posting these photos. I can hardly wait to find out how you came to have them.

Lynda Reeves Hester