Wednesday, March 28, 2007

RBBB Blue Unit 1979 #5

In rehearsals Irvin Feld decided that once around the track wasn't enough for the kids so an extra half-lap was added.
Consequently we see Tom Hafner and "Minyak" while their cart was being unloaded.
Bill Pryun had to alter the music at the last minute so itwould work out.
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Anonymous said...

Yes, back when producers had imagination and visions of fantasie for children!

WOW! Tow pictures of an elephant pulling a huge wagon full of children. Since our AR friends say we need police in the wings with high powered rifles these days for the elephants could run.... Just how many times did you have an issue with an elephant during the two season run? Let me guess.. "0".

Carl B

Buckles said...

Nothing more enterprising than a New Yorker.
One day in the Garden while waiting to go in, the shaft on "Minyak's" cart broke, so we had to leave it out.
After Spec about a half dozen ushers came back to the picket line screaming and yelling at me. I was even informed that Big Vinnie might be by to break both my legs.
The selection of the kids to ride was supposed to be at ramdom but it didn't take long for this to become a commercial enterprise.
I later heard that the ushers could solicit as much as $100 a pop.
Count the kids in each cart and then do the math on a three show day plus the fact that we showed the Garden for 12 weeks in those days.

Anonymous said...

And today it goes straight to the top with the Circus Celebrity tickets!