Wednesday, March 28, 2007

RBBB Blue Unit 1979 #1 (Vol. 4)

More of Tom Hendricks pictures taken in Toledo.
This is the "Neptune's Circus" Spec.
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24-HOUR-MAN said...

Man! Look at all that color, sure beats the hell out of that black & white crap I saw this year!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Under the ocean it's a glorious day! Neptune's Circus is on display-- every little starfish will have it's chance to shine! Even the sardine will have a whale of a time . . ."

Anonymous said...

"The tiniest man,
since time began,
and Michu is his name"

Anonymous said...

and lets not forget michu and charlie Bauman carring michu off stage while michu trys to kick charlie and calling him names . Clean Raul oops there goes Michu under the show girls dresses .

Anonymous said...

This was the most beautiful spec I ever saw on RBBB. Was Don Foote still the costume designer at that time?

Buckles said...

Yes he was.