Friday, January 05, 2007

Miller Family #5

Kelly-Miller Circus 1944, Obert Miller with riding monkey and pony (Cupid). Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

One of the nicest human beings I have ever met. He is one I miss. That year on "FAIRYLAND" will always be one of the high points of my life. "TED BOWMAN" was another extra fine gentleman.

Anonymous said...

I did indeed work that pony and monkey on the show that year and I was scared to death of the monkey and Mr. Miller would get it on the pony and bring it in and take it out. Pretty high class help. I was 12-13 yrs. old. Mr. Miller had dog and pony acts in orevious years and had beem on my Uncle George, Zellmar Bros. Circus.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Miller would give me fifty cents a day to pull up the tent with Tina the elephant and Kelly would give me a dollar every day to pull it down. I never told either one what the other was doing. My Dad gave me five bucks a week for being part of our family. I rode menage worked dogs, ponies and elephants, rode for horse roping in the concert and my dad, sister and I did a whip cracking act in the concert. I loved every minute of it. Oh yes every morning my dad and I would march the three elephants up twn and water them at some gas station for publicity. He would ride a horse and I would ride Tina's head.

Anonymous said...

I remember stopping by Hugo around the spring of 96 on DR's request.
During our visit at his office by the house, he was ranting about the younger generation running the show.After listening a while I said "If I am not mistaken,didn't Mr Obert live down the road on the left?" That is correct DR replyed. I then said I recall around 62 or 63 my father and I visiting Mr Obert Miller.He was refering to his sons and he was talking to my father. I then proceeded repeating what I remembered hearing. DR banged his fist on the desk and said "Boy I sure heard that serman plenty of times.I then replied,"Now what was that you were saying about this younger generation?" DR then turned a moment, used his spittune and started laughing.I also remember the Fairland show trucks en route that year.They were painted blue on the bottom half and white on top half. The concession semi was made out of a car carrier that was converted in to a troop carrier during WW2 and now converted into a concession wagon which Jim Plunket was working in. You used to see a lot of those troop carriers like that on shows during that era.
I recall the Rawls tribe being there also the Jacksons bar act.I almost want to say Gloria Plunket was also there.

Anonymous said...

Jims wife was on the show that year.