Kelly Miller Circus
January 05, 2007 MIDWAY FLASH ... MIDWAY FLASH ... Kenneth Feld versus John Ringling North II? The Feld Organization is evidently monitoring late-breaking developments in a town called Hugo (in a state called Oklahoma!) -– which, as I’ve already predicted, could become the new Sarasota ... What is threatening to put Hugo on the map Big Time is the pending return to the sawdust of the House of Ringling ... What has piqued the Feld's interest is the name of Kelly Miller’s new owner — John Ringling North II ... With a Kelly-Miller opening slated for March 11, already, as reported to Showbiz David by North’s partner Jim Royal, they have received a letter from Kenneth Feld’s long-time executive vice president and chief counsel, Jerome Sowalsky, advising them, in Jim Royal’s words to "refrain from using North’s name in connection with Kelly Miler circus." The purpose? "To avoid future problems." This communique left North dumbfounded. According to Royal, putting it in plain speak, "John replied that he found this baffling for he is and always has been, John Ringling North II" ... So what goes here? Is multi-millionaire Kenneth Feld actually afraid of serious competition form a small one ring tent show? Known for ferociously protecting his assets, does Feld fear a hidden agenda from the nephew of legendary circus mover and shaker John Ringling North? ... From this Ringling rattling, North & Royal stand to gain some national attention ... From this, too, Kenneth Feld may be driven to improve the quality of his shows ... And that’s a win-win for everybody. Sarasota: Are you still laughing? Jim Royal to Showbiz David: "He [John] wondered if the Feld Organization wanted him to change his name or adopt an alias." ... Evidently, Mr. North, at least for the moment, has opted out of a new name; a queer eye for the straight guy makeover; or the witness protection program ... The neophyte showman, who is apparently comfortable in his own skin (I just hate that phrase, don’t you?) has quite graciously invited Mr. Sowalsky, Mr. Feld and their respective families to "be his honored guests" at the Hugo opening. Meanwhile, I’m trying to locate my on-the-spot guy, Sage, who promised in-depth rumors from or near Hugo. Without cell phone, Sage should be calling me any moment now from the nearest bar or bus station ... Stay tuned ...

Kenny should be reminded that when he was still wearing loud,plaid jackets and a perm in his hair the Ringling Norths were 98 years ahead of him. And as a reminder they did keep the RINGLING name because FELD BROTHERS CIRCUS wouldn't and couldn't sell a ticket. Mr. JRN II was not a principal in the GSOE so any "non-compete" clause doesn't apply to him. Here's a suggestion: like the pop star PRINCE did a few years ago: The very nice gentleman FORMERLY KNOWN as John Ringling North II proudly presents the Kelly-Miller Circus. The publicity would be priceless, JRN II could be on Larry King and Oprah. This could be a bigger feud than Rosie and Donald Trump.
Sounds like excitements a bruen !
All antennas have been extended & aimed directly at Ruskin & Hugo !
in all fairness, i didn't write this -- this was written by the excellent circus writer david hammarstrom, who has written some of the best books ever written about circuses, including a great biography of johnny north. i forwarded it because i knew everyone would find it interesting. i have been expected something like this ever since the announcement but david is the one who did the work and seems to be very current in this situation.
From the (Man on the spot)
On this 2nd. day of Jan.07,I entered Hugo under the safety of darkness.Then the following day I drove by winter quarters of the Kelly Miller Circus and did (NOT) see Bobby Rawls, the show painters truck, anywhere in sight, Felds can sleep safe for another night;
Sorry for sitting on this hot news flash so long.
Totally predictable response from the Feld legal team, and great publicity for the new Kelly-Miller. It's fun to play David vrs Goliath in the press when you aren't actually spending big bucks on attorneys yet to fight. Feld has the case law. Classic example like Ray Kroc going after the original brothers who sold him McDonalds when they tried to open another restaurant with their name. Coca-Cola going after Walter Taylor after they bought the Taylor Wine Company. Walter's winery was actually named Bully Hill, but a judge found that even putting his own name on thye bottles violated the Taylor family sale of the Taylor brand. Of course the present John R North wasn't involved with the sale of the circus to Feld. What Feld Entertainment lawyers are doing in striking early is avoiding any look at the weakness in their claim. The weaknesses are there. Feld has allowed numerous competing circuses to include "Bailey" in the title without taking action. Mr Davenport uses Bailey now. Moreover Feld sold Ringling, then bought it back, so ownership of the title doesn't stretch back in an unbroken line to John Ringling North. Should it end up in the courts, it would be costly for parties and you can't absolutely predict how higher courts might rule given the selective nature of any suit. Both parties would certain want to appeal a lower court verdict if they lost.
Isn't this somewhat like the Charles Sparks name business? The corporation owned the title "Sparks Circus" but he still owned his own name, so he could legally advertise "Charles Sparks presents Downie Bros Circus."
"John Ringling North II presents Al G Kelly - Miller Bros Circus" may be a long title but it would certainly be heard as far as the Ringling corporate offices.
Who the heck is that working the K-M elephants?????????
The late Terry Fenne.
i am not a lawyer but i would think that "John Ringling North" is far enough from Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey that there would not be a legal case. no matter what is in the original agreement betweem north and the felds, i'm relatively sure john north II was not a part of the agreement. i agree that the publicity from any suit would benefit north and would certainly make feld look like a bully (as happened in the infamous case invoving the lady who was writing the book about his father, and the way i have heard he treated his sister after his father's death) from a public relations aspect, with all of feld's high profile court cases, even if he wins any part of this battle, he will still lose the war because of the bullying image he's already developed.
Terry Finney
I believe my first meeting with Terry was in the early 70s at an elephant farm in Wisc.They had a bulling male at the time who eagerly looked foward to us being his mornings entertaiment. I had kept contact with him but hadn't seen Terry for quite some time. He showed up at the State Fair of Tx with Steve Patton aka Hog Jaw enroute with a young male headed for Rex's in Fl.
A lot of time passed by and then our next metting was around 86 on the Kelley Miller Circus which was showing in Kaufman, Tx .Later on I got to visit with him while he was looking after the elephant farm in Hugo.I got to see quite a bit of him after that. He was a good Friend.
All I can say is that I just went down and bought the most comfortable office chair I could find (no Johnny, it's not inflatable), and I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the 2007 season of Buckle's Blog. Sounds like the Feld vs J.R. North II feud will be very interesting and entertaining.
Do you think Cell phones will be ban from the Ken and Nicole Un Circus? I would bet these two wish they had never tried to update the circus! The OLD FASHION CIRCUS is what sold tickets and people want to see. They sure screwed it up good.
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