Saturday, January 06, 2007
From Dave Price #2
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1/06/2007 06:09:00 AM
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Welcome to Buckles Blog. This site is for the discussion of Circus History all over the world.
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1/06/2007 06:09:00 AM
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If I remember right, Busch Bavarian cans hold about $7 in nickels. The flossine cans held more. cc
If I remember right, The ELKS Club was the only place to purchase a beer inside a building in HUGO. I worked for a week or to at THE LONE STAR drive in one winter. Persons flashed their headlight or honked their horn to order. That was and still is so strange to me. Drink and drive?
Rebecca: You mean you were never in the old Stag Bar?
Hello from Anheuser-Busch country (St. Louis region) where Busch Bavarian beer is still brewed and distributed. But I think it's only distributed regionally, not nationally, like Bud and Michelob, etc.
I was only in this one place. It might have been the Stag Bar. Was it pretty close to Winter Quarters? And did it have curb service? I was still 19 or 20 years of age. Eugene and I did go to the ELKS CLUB a couple of times. The only places I remember in Hugo was the WEBB Hotel, where I stayed until going on the road, The Movie House where it cost a dime to see the movie, The bus depot and Winter Quarters.
No, Rebecca, the Stag was... (I struggle for the precise term)... a DIVE (that's it!) down in the low part of town.
I'm sure you were cautioned as a young girl to avoid such dens of iniquity and vice not to mention the ilk that one encountered there.
The Stag Bar, the Lone Star Drive In and those dives down on the Red River, Ah! to be young again.
I did go to a place on the RED River that had a dance band with a girl that rented that house across the street from Obert Miller. My truck was parked behind the house. You never heard so many pick up lines in your life. It was pretty scary and I don't think I would like to see the place sober or in the day time.
OLE WHITEY, Are you refering to a NOTCH JOINT? I used that name once earlier on the blog and no one knew what I ment. It was about a piece of wood from a building that caught on fire that was a decoration on my Lyni. The building had been an infamous house of ill repute.
No I'm not talking about one of those, though I was dimly aware that such places did exist. This was just a plain old beer joint.
If the folks on this blog claimed with a straight face that they never heard of a Notch Joint they were a lot more sheltered than I thought.
By the way, isn't there some other spelling of that term- nautch? or something like that?
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