Thursday, January 04, 2007
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Welcome to Buckles Blog. This site is for the discussion of Circus History all over the world.
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1/04/2007 06:37:00 AM
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So very, very, sorry Ken and Nicole. Without rings it looks like an Ice Show. I really wanted to like the new 2007 circus so much. The Ice Show is prettier then 2006 but with out the rings its a no cigar. "CIRCUS} Why is it so hard to understand. Hundrens have told and ask for the rings back. Simple RINGS
I havent been to ringling since the year of the clowns about 15 yrs ago last night I went with paul and the judge and I was not expecting much but found it enjoyable not the show we all rember but a decent show VERY NICE CAT ACT Bello a bit more time then I cared to see but a hell of a talented guy and feld centenly gets his monys worth =all in all I liked it sorry to all the knokers But I have enjoyed the blogg BUCKLES KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK
I may be just a clown but I look at this and think, "Wouldn't it have been easier (and less expensive) for them to just put on a circus?"
Where have all the tall, blond showgirls gone?
Regarding the OABA seminar, never saw so many elephant people together, and not a beer to be found. The animal issues speakers had some informative dialog and brought up some interesting points that had everyone's attention.
The new K&N show really wasn't bad. They easily could have done without the big Bello productions, if there was a story line to the show, I never got it, I doubt anyone else did either. Bello is very talented, and could easily have been part of the show, but in a much smaller dosage.
The new "3 diamond" formt never really materialized, much like the rings of years past. they were disasembled on the floor most of the time. The real star of the show however is the lighting director, they made 100% use of all the latest lighting technology. The music was again a lot of noise that sounded more like a rock concert than a circus, HOWEVER.... I did recognize the classical music piece they played for the end of the revolving wheel act (can't think of the name, but it was great!), and I thought I heard the first eleven and a half notes of "Entry of the Gladiators" blended into the teeterboard act music. The 3 liberty acts presented in blow-up ring curbs, most definatly need some seasoning. The 6 act in the end ring had leaders with at least 2 or 3 of the horses. Cage act was well done, needs a little fine tuning, but the cats look great, and do a nice routine. Congradulations to Lance and Taba!
The Bello wig "spec" was far from what most of us would call a spec. Everyone, including the elephant and horse leaders had on Bello wigs, as did the 2 elephants and 2 horses that were in the production. OK, here are the words to the theme song (hmmmmmmmm) "It's a Bello-Bration, Bello, Bello Bration!" For those who could not follow that, the words were shown on the giant TV screen for all sing along with.
A lot of show people at last nights gala opening, with a critique confrence in the lobby at the conclusion of the show. All in all, I enjoyed it, and am looking forward to seeing it in Orlando, especially now that I have the song memorized.
Did poor Joe Frisco have to wear the stupid Bello wig?
Early reports indicate that the only mutineer was the Human Cannonball.
Joe Frisco, POSITIVELY DID NOT wear a bello wig.
In my opinion, Joe did an excellent job with the elephants. He seemed very much in control. I talked with him, about 8:00 a.m. today, and he is very interested on what shall be posted on this Blog.
So, lets hear some comments please.
Last night we were pleasantly surprised to see the Ringling Red Unit getting back to “normal” of what we expect from the GSOE after seeing the very disappointing Ringless, Blue Unit last year.
Yes, The three rings are gone and are replaced with a different format but because of the great lighting it worked fine also the new Back door was very attractive and colorful.
I agree with Jimmy Cole that the horse display certainly needs some fine tuning.
It was nice to see the elephants with blankets again and the costumes on all the performers were very colorful.
Watching the tiger cage descend from the ceiling was fantastic. The tiger act was very good and am sure it will be great once it settles down after a few shows.
Back are the High wire, Sway-poles, Wheel, Two flying acts, Dog acts, Teeterboard, Girls in the air during a very nice opening number and the double Cannon for the finale number made a great close to a very enjoyable show.
Black floor, black blow up rings, practice harness on the horses, no plumes, no dicernable routines, zebras milled around, four black and three white would appear one horse is missing. Grooms in all three rings running with lunge lines during act and miss color comb. of spots and buckskin in other ring of horses that were obviously not nearly trained. No ring door. horses entered and exited by jumping over rubber ring . How to destroy the excellent presentation of Sacha Houke in just a few short weeks is incereditable. Whatever those trainer-presenters get paid they are not worth it. The dog act was the best animal act in the show, even maybe the best act overall. The blah-blah of those miked trainers was awful. Did I say trainers? I'm sorry.
The show was an over all improvement over the last edition, but still has a ways to go. Some elephants were missing blankets, The lighting had good moments, but the multi colored tiger act was lighted very poorly. No anouncement of most acts, Tigers worked well and should be fine in time. The horses and zebras looked like they needed another month in the training barn. Best production for Chinese Girls balancing act. Very well light and nice music. Pretty much the rest of the music was background noise. Dogs went over well. Production numbers ok, but not the color and spargle of the past. Joe's elephants worked well and my hats off to the job he's done in a short time. I hope he will be able to bring the format back to elephants working an act.
some good acts
but as a show, would YOU want to bring this to Madison Square Garden ?
I think Gaylord Maynard summed it up best by saying, "If anyone else with a different title did this same show, it would be sensational!"
This, of course, is the price for having to compete against yourself.
the biggest dissapointment to me was seeing Jumpin' Joe WITHOUT a Bello wig.LOL
but he did a good job and the elephants sure look good
One thing I did take note of (being a cat act photographer for over 40 years) was how the Feld publicity photographer sat with his back RIGHT UP AGAINST the cable mesh arena (with 12 tigers inside) shooting photos of the clown act. No one said or did anything. I spoke to Kay Rosaire after the show, and she noticed it also and agreed how dangerous that was.
Other than Bello-The World's most famous "Clown", what do the rest of the chorus boys in make-up do? No reviews of the Clown College-less Kings of Komedy?
How many elephants does Mr. Frisco have. Is it a three ring display, or an open floor display?
The clowns did a 'Dancing With the Stars' gag.
Open floor display. 10 elephants. This type of display worked well for Gunther with 15 to 20 elephants on the floor,but only 10 leaves alot of empty areas. I for one hope Joe can bring back in time a nice fast moving ring of elephants.
Buckles, you challenged us to guess what this picture is. It's a... it's a... well I don't know WHAT it is. But I'm completely convinced of what it isn't.
It is an open floor display, and eight elephants work. For the blow-off the the act, two more elephants are added, and there are , shall I put it, two sets of tub long mounts, each one consisting of five elephants.
Someone correct me, if, I am wrong.
I noticed, that on the tub mount, closest to the back door, the second elephant, did not mount. Joe Frisco was in chage of the other tub mount.
I do hope, I have made myself clear. It sounds somewhat confusing to me, as read this back to myself. But, as most of you know, I am a carnival guy, so don't expect to much from me.
The voice of the animal acts while performing were an ex flyer, now head shit shoveler and tent master in the animal dept. who yelled all throughout the elephant act. Now that he has become a "trainer" I am sure Joe will have the joy of putting up with him.
The tiger "trainer" is back by popular demand for his amazing ability to leap over a tiger and he didn't disapoint. He was very busy giving commands over and over again and jumping around and styling to himself rather than complimenting the animals. I don't believe that Lance had choreagraphed that leap as part of the act. Also he presented the Equestrian elegance of the liberty horses in the air bag ring. Always bigger and better.
I am glad to hear Joe Frisco did not wear the wig . that goes to show some one has pride and dignity no matter what . although i have to admit his son joe jr 111. call me yesterday and i read to him the comments some of us wrote he got a big chuckle out of the whole matter . Clean Raul
I've always thought there were two types of people who work with animals, those who present the animals, & those who present themselves, presenting the animals.
On a more "practical" note - do you think the air bag ring curb could be incorporated into a bareback act?? Think of the takeoffs you could get. Oh how I would like to be younger and have better knees again. cc
In re: Louis Goebel's son. Eugene and his wife indeed had an operation in Tehachapi, from which they maintained and sold camels. They are now in Missouri.
An air inflated ring-curb is used for the bareback riding act at Arabian Nights. I dare say it has saved a few injurys from falls off the horse.
I wish I had rubber curbs when I have fallen off the wagon a couple of times. No Pain/No Gain
Used to be back in the olden days falling off only happened during practice. When showtime came around, the riders were so proficient and professional, they didn't need a ring curb to double as an airbag. Or mechanics. Or lunge lines. Let's just make circus one big practice. Everybody wear jeans and t-shirts. With orange wigs. How depressing. What's happened?
24 hour man hit the nail on the head with the two types of animal people. Never were there truer words spoken, Bill.
To Jimmy Cole; I am pleased that you are conc erned for the safety of the bareback riders and that you brought it to our attention. Its nice to know that at the new additiuon of the GSOE that the rider who did the somersault from horse to horse and the four guys that did that standing jump up in unison and the whirwind riding of the finish horse were protected by that new innovation of a rubber ring curb. Excuse me I must be hallucinating from watching this computer too long, but I get your message and hope those great bareback riders now appearing in the new show will recognize your observation. Safety first.
I am not endorsing blow up ring curbs. I am just responding to a previous writter who asked about them, (the one with bad knees).
Arabian Nights has had many great bareback riders work in the bareback riding act, but they also have had some local riders who worked in the act, and are not so refined in their skills.
Arabian Nights has had many (great bare back riders)? Just how old is that establishment?
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