Monday, January 29, 2007

Barnett/Wallace 1930's #5

This picture taken when I was still a Democrat.
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Anonymous said...

I was still a Democrat.


Anonymous said...

SAY IT AIN"T SO....... I remember when you got pissed when an a/r person called you a Republican.

Buckles said...

During the days of Roosevelt and Kennedy we were all Democrats but eventually I was driven out of the Party by Jane Fonda, ALF and PETA, the latter two out of self defense.
Much to the dismay of my good friends Jim Cole, John Herriott and Dale Riker.

Anonymous said...

I used to enjoy a good political jab with our dear departed friend Dave Hoover.

He once told me that he didn't like Rush Limbaugh because he was "to liberal"

I used to call Dave Hoover, "Mr. Republican", and he called me "the Democrat"

In truth, our American way of life works because we have both Republicans and Democrats keeping each other honest. The American Eagle needs two wings to soar, a left and a right.

Anonymous said...

Dear Buckles, With dear friends like you, Dave Hoover and Gaylord Maynard I have always been out numbered, but when Dale Ricker, Paul I. and Dante Marroto get together in the club we sure rake you guys over. I think PETA is a scourge to all parties and people. You must have gotten along well with extreme right wing Hubert Castle and I remember in Bunker Hill when a car would be driving up and Terrel Jacobs would remark, "here comes another Hoosier Republican." Lots of fun. Big decision now is Colts and Bears. Roy Wells and I are mid-west boys, so for us its "Dem Bears". Son-in-law James Plunkett is rabid cowboy fan and Republican as well. What a mess for him. Well you can't win em all.

Anonymous said...

Well, said, Jim. I might add that inforder for an eagle to be a successful hunter requires keen eyesight, sharp intellect--and the ability of all parts of the body to work together. Lane Talburt

24-HOUR-MAN said...

The world which all men know cannot reveal itself in full to any one man, or to any one people; for each thinking life, and each manful people gain something of it's meaning which is revealed to none other.
So that a full human understanding must be collectively built up from the best experiences of ALL men and ALL peoples!