Wednesday, December 06, 2006

William Voss #1

Mr. Voss is new to me but these unidentified pictures from the Wayne Jackson Collection fit right in with Jimmy Cole's photos sent out earlier this morning. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

That TIGER in the background is to die for!!!! One too many trips to the club.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have any pictures of the Tiger Princess Angela Null, from around 1985. Ran into Angela and Gopher at the Mirage and Jack-potted about the jungle princess act.Any pictures or info would be nice

Anonymous said...

Was it Angela or her sister perhaps???

Anonymous said...

I still think Mr Voss looks like the cop on NYPD

Anonymous said...

The TIGER in the back ground does not seem to have the circus spirit. Just collecting the pay. Which was pretty darn good if my memory serves me right. He sure caught my eye so maybe he really did earn his keep.

Anonymous said...

Where is this photo taken ?
And can anybody tell me something more about William Voss ?

Anonymous said...

If you like these pictures check thses ones out: and here's a picture of a white tiger with strange eyes, in New Mexico:

Anonymous said...

I can tell you something about William Voss. He's a trainer with the Hawthorn Circus, which belongs to John F. Cuneo Jr. He (William Voss) was in Monte Carlo with his white tigers.