Monday, December 04, 2006

Mabel Stark (From P.J. Holmes)

Please find enclosed a couple photos of trainers from the past. Don't know how well the studio print of Mable Stark will come across. The paper has that old type of texture finish and was taken when she was on Ringling in about 1924.
The one of Terrell Jacobs in Madison Square Garden in 1939 gives one an idea of the size of these acts. And of course you have to include Clyde Beatty.

Great job with the blog and the Bandwagon column. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

These old professional portrate photographs have Charm in general
BUT not like this one !

Anonymous said...

Mable was never know for her "CHARM". She was an animal trainer first/last and always. Her animals ment more to her than any human. Not many like her. Eloise came mighty close. She did have a charm all her own if you looked for it. The respect for these ladies is lengendary [?] and always discussed after all these years and their passing. I think this picture shows Mabels finer points. Her wardrobe was fantastic and no one ever wore it the way she did. ELOISE would have fit in this wardrobe just great. Her talent showed, not her skin. Two of the OLD SCHOOL.

Anonymous said...

This grand old photo is ideally representative of Mabel's early years. I'm grateful to have an original of this print from her personal archives.