Tuesday, December 05, 2006

John Robinson Circus 1920's #7 (Continued)

Some back yard shots. This appears to be part of the band, maybe prior to Spec. Plenty of patriotism in circuses those days.
My dad once described to me a long string of Roman Standing horses on the Barnes Show that went around the track like a "Bat out of Hell" with a long American flag streamer attached to the outside length of the hitch and driven by Uncle Sam.
I wonder what the ACLU would make of that today? Posted by Picasa


24-HOUR-MAN said...

For years it was a ritual for the Wilson family to spend a week in Panama City on the way in. One year Dime drove by an antique store and an elephant foot umberella stand caught his eye. He stopped to have a look, and it seems the owner of the store had bought a box car load of the personal effects of the John Robinson Family, at auction in Cincinnati. Dime said he saw dinnerware, flatware, and many other items all with the Robinson name.