Tuesday, December 05, 2006

John Robinson Circus 1920's #11

I believe this is the Hollis-McCree riding act with Reno McCree standing on the horse. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Back to the new wave Diamond Rings. The GSOE has been the flagship and model for circuses of the world and the circus ring is the concept for the very beginning of the circus, ala Astley and Ricketts and it has remained the most significent part of the sircus ever since. It is an insult that any owner would in any manner replace it. Even the word Circus implies what it is. So it is obvious that Ringling is not the leader in the field anymore as I doubt that Knie, Krone, Ron Calle, Tarzan or Big Apple have put a rush order into Cannobio and the other tent makers for Diamond shaped tents. Nicole you should be ashamed of your actions. Imagine what a sesation it was on John Robinson with three rings of bareback riders. I feel sorry for the clown who backs into the diamond point on the ring curb doing a pratt fall. I wonder what a diamond shaped arena for the tigers will work out. Maybe the prop guys will have to hump the steel like in the old days without it being lowered into the ring curb. Seems like that is a step backward. The wheel is round and was invented by the cave men after they tried square, diamond,etc. I guess Nicole knows better.

Anonymous said...

There is an age old expression that I have heard in the dressing room hundreds of times when an owner or producer comes up with some off the wall idea that is sure to ruin your act and it is, " I will work in the Donicker as long as they pay me". I doubt if Nicole even knows what a Donicker is, but its very similar to a Diamond shaped ring.

Anonymous said...

Hollywood is going to make a movie on Nicole Feld, its called, "Daddy,I shrunk the circus."

Anonymous said...

Mr. Herriott ;
your comments are well & approiately stated ; & admirably received !