Wednesday, December 06, 2006

John Campolongo 1989

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Anonymous said...

I believe this is the Knie show. I have heard stories about this act from John but I know its European debut was the previous year on Circus Krone.

Anonymous said...

John was in 1989 in circus Krone and his European debut was the in 1988 in circus Knie with the first white tiger act in Europe !

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

This is the same act with mostly the same cats as the Susan Lacey picture you asked about the other day. I believe Alan Gold had them prior to this photo, and the "Hillbilly from Garden Hose" prior to that.

Anonymous said...

I would of never guessed that was John...I only remember him wearing his trademark "Rag" on his noggin...

Anonymous said...

The tigers were before with wade Burck in Ringling in 1988 in circus Knie, 1989 circus krone and farther I don't know.