G’day Buckles, This morning I received a CD from Jack Regan, who you met back in 74-75 when he worked at the Central Florida Zoo with young Sobik. Jack included this newspaper photo that was taken at Circus World and I was wondering if you are the one under the female’s neck? I’ve included all Jack’s photos including a few of Sobik, now Tusko at his new home at the Portland Zoo.
I have several photos of Circus Vargas back in ’77 and ’78, taken by Toby Styles, would you be interested in identifying the various elephants with Dick Drake and Rex? I sent Scott Riddle a copy of the photos, but unfortunately he couldn’t help me.
Keep up the great work on your Blog site, I’m sure your Dad would be really happy!
Happy Days Wayne
Sure it is Buckles. Just look at those boots; a dead give away.
happy new year to all. casey gibbs
Buckles and Andy Griffth make that look-look good!
Dick Drakes sun here send me the pics maybe I can help kendrake47@yahoo.com
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