Monday, December 25, 2006

From Raffaele De Ritis

Dear Mr.Woodcock,

I send you a brief note on Aurelio Bogino, that passed away in Italy last morning.

Unfortunately, I don’t find in my archivs a picture of his old act. If you think possible, you can eventually publish this following note on your blog, and probably find a picture on some old program.



Aurelio Bogino passed away on Christmas Eve. He was part with his two brothers of the famous Bogino risley act. After a start in their family circus, they had a splendid European career before to be booked by Ringling between 1954 and 1956. They was pictured in “The greatest show on earth” and other movies. After Ringling, they worked in other American circuses, movies and night clubs of the golden era.

In the 70s, Aurelio was back in Italy. He was the performance director of the Liana Nando and Rinaldo Orfei three-ring circus, one of the largest in Europe at the time. Then he acted as manager for other italian circuses, before retiring in Rimini in the late 80s.

He left two sons: Frankie was a succesful clown in the best European circuses, and today is the manager for an important italian carnival manifacuring company. Katia is married with slack-wire performer Claudio Zavatta.


Anonymous said...

Would Gino Bogino would be part of this family?

Anonymous said...

He is ricky walendas fathers brother acording to my wife that would be rickys uncle

24-HOUR-MAN said...

As I remember there were three brothers in the original act, Aurelio, Bennie, & Eginio, besides doing the Risley Act Eginio was a pretty fair Juggler. Yes, Eginio was Ricky's father.