Monday, December 25, 2006

From Josip Marcan #2


Here is one more picture of Carmen and Mandrill from 1979 in Mexico City.

Dr. Josip Marcan
Marcan Tiger Preserve Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

I remember Sumi, the baboon pictured here; met him face to face in 1978 when Ms. Hall & her mom, Aurelia Hall visited Nini & Ervin Hall on the Clyde Beatty show at a venue in Ohio. I was a clown on the show at that time, & I was invited to meet Carmen, and Aurelia, & Sumi. Young Sumi 'challenged' me by banging on the table between us and giving me "the look" - we were just two feet apart. Following Ervin's suggestion, I averted my eyes and made a big head-wagging grin. He appeared to accept this as play, vocalizing his satisfaction to Carmen as he climbed back up into her arms. He was just a "kid" at the time, still learning to assert himself as a "dominant presence". A handsome animal, indeed, but not one to trifle with.