Tuesday, December 26, 2006

From Harry Kingston

Hi Buckles,
I know you have heard it a million times but again a many a thank you for all the hard work you have done on your fantastic circus blog.
It is the high lite of my day to look up all the circus history you have on it.
One day when I get real smart I will learn on the puter how to respond to your blog but not have figured it out yet.
All i can do is get my butt in trouble on ebay and spend money.
We met many years ago in the back yard on Circus Vargas whne they played Houston, Texas.
I got to see Vargas many times and what a great circus it was.
Cliff was a real hoot and I helped him many times here in Beaumont, Texas and he called me one day and said Harry I need a favor. i said what do you need. He needed a complete set of new poles for a 150 ny 300 foot big top.
Welll a great machine shop here in town built the hole works for him. They decreased the length of the center poles a little and I have the cut off piece in my collection as well as an old side pole. What a showman Cliff was.
The circus now is no where near what it was many years ago and you are helping us fans realive our days as it once was in Amercia. Thank God for those great memories you have in your fantastic Blog.
I got to meet your Mom in Hugo thanks to Ted Bowman many years ago and see some of your Dad's scrapbooks. Ted wanted some of those route cards so bad it hurt.
Thanks again so much.
Circusly yours,
Harry Kingston
Director, District 13, Circus Fans of America


Anonymous said...

Hello, Harry!
So nice to see you on the blog. You are what CFA is all about. Your support of circus truly comes from the heart. Thank you again for the video from Beaumont. Hope you are well
To Bob Cline: Yes, I work with John Illig, and he said to tell you hello and Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Ted Bowman I have route books, news clippings, pictures that I never knew was out there. He was the first circus fan I had ever met before he joined the show. He was the office manager on FAIRYLAND CIRCUS when Eugene and I were on the show with the Rawls. I dearly loved the man. He was a real hoot to be around. He is one of the old group that I really miss. He always called me DUTCHESS.

Bob Cline said...

Thanks Pat. Wishing you both continued success in whatever part of the world you are.
Bob Cline