Sunday, December 24, 2006

From Filipe von Gilsa

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Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas everyone,
Gerd Seimoniet gave three polar bears to Jim Clubb when the act was dissolved. They were a gift... !! (sorry boss!)
Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

A little off subject, but National Geo ran a special on elephants in the womb and it featured Charlie Gray's elephants. Well done program and I beleive it showed the birth of Logan. Charlie can tell for sure. Merry Christmas to all.

Bob Cline said...

Merry Christmas to all! This has been a wonderful season on the Woodcock show. Some grassy lots, some mud, some AR people and some new births to Rejoice about and some passings to remember. We had some full houses and some where they all stayed away. We had some lively discussions and plenty of jackpots have been told. I'm glad we all had the opportunity to be here. Thanks for the memories Buckles, Barbara, and family!

To Pat White:
Are you still working with John Illig and if you are, tell him I said hello.

Season's best to you all,
Bob Cline