Wednesday, December 20, 2006
From Filipe von Gilsa #1
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12/20/2006 02:57:00 PM
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Welcome to Buckles Blog. This site is for the discussion of Circus History all over the world.
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12/20/2006 02:57:00 PM
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Richard Reynolds says - -
Hans Jurge and Rosemarie Tide's books on circus animal acts and trainers are absoutely the best ever published. Though in German, the photos alone make them well worth the price. They cover a lot of American trainers also. I consider them to be the no. 1 experts on the subject.
I met Mr. Gerd Siemonite (sorry if not spelled right) in 1998 at Monte Carlo, where he won a lifetime achievment award. He was very kind, and most eager to talk about his Circus Barum. He gave me a copy of his book, in which were many pictures of his mixed act. He also gave me an official "Circus Barum" jacket. Jim Clubb bought a polar bear (or two?) from Gerd after the mixed act was dissolved. "Zora" was the polar bear's name, I think. She went into Jim Clubb's big caged bear act which was worked by John Illig. (Was it one polar bear or two Jim?)
We met Hans-Jurgen,& Rosemarie while in Germany, and have a copy of their book,"Die Hohe Schule Der Raubtierdressur", "The High School Of Wild Animal Trainers". Even in German it is an absolute must for anyone interested in Big Cat Acts & Trainers.
There was a copy of book #2 (which was to include Trudy), on it's way in a Christmas package last year, but alas, it is scattered somewhere between here & Munich. They found the wrapping paper in Atlanta, & Jacksonville but that's all.
Meeting & getting acquainted with Gerd Siemoneit,( Pat you were pretty close), was an unforgettable experience. I had the privilage of driving him around while I was here on vacation, & he was here looking for Tigers,very humble, & a gentleman in every way.
If anyone has the e-mail address for the Tiede's, I need it to research a number of questions. Thanks to anyone who can help.
Some time back, before we really got into computers, Hans-Jurgen asked me for some information on American trainers, and I hope I was of help to him. Now I seek his help on information he would likely have, and I haven't figured out how to look up e-mail addresses in Germany. Thanks again.
Once again, I look at this cover photo and am knock-down, over-awed at the size of these Polars, just as I was with those of Ursula, and Albert Rix.
I reckon I'm among many who've heard expertise claimed by those without true portfolio. Not me, boy. I never broke in on bears, and have no idea how to train any bear, certainly not Polars. My carefully shoe-polished white pith helmet is off to my betters.
I know nothing of bears,,,and with the size of that one,, I am sure I want to know less.
Roger Smith's quote, Ditto
"I reckon I'm among many who've heard expertise claimed by those without true portfolio. Not me boy. I never broke in on bears and have no idea how to train any bear" After visiting Valentine Filatov's bears on the Moscow circus during their tour thru Texas I know just how you feel.
Hi to everybody,
I have a message to p. white !
Pat, please send me your email-adresse if it´s possibly, because i want to send u some pictures !
My email is: elmarkretz@yahoo.de
Merry christmas to everybody here, special to Mr. Woodcock and thank´s for this fantastic blog !!!
Elmar K. !
As far as I know, Jurgen and Rosemarie Tiede wrote at least eight books, without counting their many articles:
Die Hohe Schule der Raubtierdressur (1999, the bible, the must toh ave)
Mit Raubkatzen und Bären in der Manege 1999 (about bears and cats, smaller book)
Raubtiere im Circus. Meisterdompteure und ihre Dressuren. Eine Fotodokumentation 2000 (a picture album)
Raubtiere als Partner und Freunde. Meisterdompteure und ihre Dressuren. Eine Fotodokumentation 2002 (another picture album)
Raubtierlehrer im Wandel der Zeiten .Eine Fotodokumentation der Geschichte der Raubtierdressur (an historical picture survey).
Raubtierlehrer im Glanz der Manege 2003 (smaller book, ancient and contemporary trainers).
Circus, Raubtiere und Dompteure 2006. This one is just new, I just got some review.
I have a phone number and a mail address of them, but I don’t think they have e-mail.
Perhaps is possible to contact them thru their publisher: http://www.haagherchen.de/
Some of the books are on sale at amazon.de
Other important reference books on trainers are those by Christian Hamel from France:
“Caresses Fauves” is the most complete dictionary of contemporary cage act trainers worldwide, with small biographies and complete career timelines.
“Les elephants au cirque”, I consider the most extensive historical research about circus elephants from the origins to about 2000.
“Les ours au cirque” does the same for bears.
Gerd gave me 3 polar bears which I added to my existing act of 3 polar 2kodiac and 3 himalayan black bears.The polars were a gift.I still have one left.They were all good natured animals,most trained polars are.I have trained about 15 and only had one bad one!For me they are the best of the bears and my favourite next to male lions!
Oops, sorry Jim Clubb. "Gifted" you with the polar bears, not "bought"!! As YOU know, I'm not very proficient when it comes to all that grown-up business stuff... Let alone anyone else's dealings. I'll be quiet now.. !! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Does anyone know if this is the Hans & Rosemary that came to Ringling with Peters lions then stayed at Kay Rosaire's ?
I remember well those Siemoneit polar bears. They was part of a remarkable mixed act that he put togheter around 1990.Lion, tigers, small cats and bears. Those bears was really gifted. They had a beautiful wagon with a built-in pool,one of the best at that time. I ignored that they were the same that I saw later on the Clubb's act...
Mr.Siemoneit is one of the greatest living showmen of the big cage. Also recently, with a small act of just three white tigers, is still a lord. And beside that, he is a great circus director in hard times. Very very few circuses in Europe survived from the 70s on with the same quality level. Circus Barum-Siemoneit is one of them.
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