Friday, November 24, 2006

Johnny J. Jones Exposition #2

For those of you interested in Light Plants, this is Eddie Brady with Johnny J. Jones who wrote the following information:
Cummins Diesel- HR 150, RPM 1800, KW 50-AC, KW 2 1/2 DC-x.citer.
Price $2,175 less generator and swich board.
Fuel consumption, 2 1/2 gal. per hour.Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Any body know where the young man who kept the power plant running on FAIRYLAND CIRCUS early 60s went?

Anonymous said...

There is a former J.J.J. generator at the International Independent Showmen's Associaton's club grounds in Gibsonton. It was donated by a Canadian Showman by the name of Don Campbell a few years back. It is mounted in a semi-trailer, and it is quite a site to see.

Anonymous said...

Another great photo for circus/carnival model builders to work from!

Anonymous said...

Yes, This is the JERRY I was asking about. Thank you OLD Whitey

Anonymous said...

Sorry Whitey. I ment to write OOHHH Whitey. None of us are OLD. Just mature adults. Very mature.