Tuesday, November 28, 2006
John Robinson Circus #4
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11/28/2006 05:59:00 AM
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11/28/2006 05:59:00 AM
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I think maybe the Hog Show was pretty keen on camels. The old parade photos seems heavy on camels. They had at least a couple pretty impressive camel hitches over the years. Camels on the baggage wagons. There's a lot that can be done with camels, and maybe today we don't use them enough, but I wonder if on the Hog Show it was an intentional effort to link the circus to biblical themes? Certainly the popularity of the show in what we later called the bible-belt was unmatched.
I never heard the term "Hog Show" before.
For sure, their Specs usually had a religious theme.
I have a 1929 John Robinson program and again we see "King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba", this time directed by Rex de Rosselli.
Jess Adkins was the show's manager, Rhoda Royal the Equestrian Director and Rudy Rudynoff, Asst. Equestrian Director.
Rex de Rosselli is my 3rd great grandpa. I've heard stories about his circus work my whole life but I didn't know what he did until recently. If you could possibly send me a picture of that I would greatly appreciate it.
Melodious32188@gmail.com is my email address since it's saying I'm unknown.
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