Monday, November 27, 2006
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Welcome to Buckles Blog. This site is for the discussion of Circus History all over the world.
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11/27/2006 06:21:00 PM
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I'm excited to see what exactly unfolds. Should be interesting.
This goes back to what was mentioned before. Buckles, Bill, and Jim have all created the new Billboard and Amusement Business with up to date reporting and who's who stories and photos with terrific historical comments. Our "letters to the Editor" get printed many times through the course of the day and we get those famous viewpoint comments as well. It just doesn't get much better than this.
I caught the New Cole Bros. Circus in Vero Beach two weeks ago. The cookhouse was in operation. I asked if it was in the same truck and was told that, yes, they had a fire in the truck but repairs were quickly made and it stayed in operation.
I understand the RBBB Red Unit began rehersals this week. Rumors should be forthcoming about the new show before long. One ring, three rings, round rings, diamond shaped rings or whatever.
and now there are even "lead ins"
"Tune in Dec.7 for a special report!"
I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder.
Frank Curry refers to me as Walter Wenchell and my wife calls me Dear Abby.
If this Cole Bros sale is true as has been announced and we have heard no reports from the other side contrary to the announcement, it will be interesting to see how self serving loyalty and serious business will enter into this arrangement.
Maybe Shannon can round up an old telegraph key for you.
You're going to have to change your header to,,,,,,,,"dit-didit-dit-dit-di-dit,,,,Mr. & Mrs. North America, & all ships at sea"!!!! What ever happened to "radio"????
Over the years it alwayes seems like the cook house catches on fire. Could be a motive of someone mad about not getting some decent food.
A lot of hot grease in the cook tent. Thats what makes the food taste so good. Looks like the elephant trainers like the food a LOT.
I was raised on cook house food and the only day I ever spent in a Hospital in my life was after knocking my front teeth out jumping on a trampoline in 1947 on the Cole Show.
saw the enlarged L.E.BARNES&BAILEY,maybe some of the same magic can bring the wild animals back to COLE BROS
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