Standing room only at Jenda's funeral today and attended by the absolute cream of Sarasota circus society. This followed by an exquisite catered meal at the Club. The bombshell of this afternoon's soiree came when an announcement was made that the Kelly-Miller Circus had been purchased by none other than John Ringling North III, himself. About two whisky sours later Col. Herriott and I decided that this would be Henry Ringling North's grandson. So as I departed homeward dignified and stately, I envisioned the 2007 season with titles like Hollywell, Bidwell & Bailey Combined Shows, Cole Bros. Circus and a new, freshly painted circus bearing the title RINGLING in 6' letters and with- john, north, III in teensy 6" letters. A memorable day.
NO one will believe this is a picture of him. He was always perfectly groomed and spotless. ALWAYS I do like it though, looks like he was having fun. He was one of the best. He has stuck in my memory all these years after meeting him just a couple of times. One of a kind for sure.
Can you imagine the promotional value of,
I want to see Kenny Feld trying to stop him from using "Ringling", and John saying, "Kid, Ringling is my middle name. What's yours?"
Think I'll apply for cat trainer just to be there for such occasion.
Ringling..... 3 rings..... under canvas..... who could have imagined that?
3 uhhhhh.....rings what are those?
Will his show have any affiliation to Feld?
I wondered where that thing on top of his recorder went. With my talent for gadgets mine is still in the box. Did not know that you recharged the batteries so bought new ones. There is your laugh for the day. You really don't want to hear why I have two video recorders!!! Also a Tripod
When Coca-Cola purchased the Taylor Wine Company in the 1970's, then Taylor VP Walter Taylor opened his own winery. It took a Federal Judge all of 5 minutes to decide that Taylor could no longer use hiw own name in the wine business. People are people but trademarks are sacred. That said, to the best of my knowledge neither the Norths nor the Felds ever aggressively tried to protect the Bailey portion of the RBBB title, so if Feld attempt to enjoin "Ringling" surely they would have to go after Bailey too.
But who is John Ringling North III? Is there any substance to the rumor/announcement? Sale of the show equipment (mostly David's)or sale of the title (Barbara Byrd has first rights on any sale of that) or the whole package?
Oh Hell, where do I sign up?
A little digging suggest that J.R.North III lives in Ireland, but also has a place in Oklahoma, where he owns a bookstore in Ardmore.
"The circus comes to town," stopped being a front page news story a long time ago. It's not an easy sell, and takes long hours on the phone and at the fax machine to get the story that you want on the day that you want it. What would indeed be fantastic about a Ringling Kelly-Miller circus is that the story writes itself. John Ringling North assured that fifty years ago with his, "the tented circus as it exists today is, in my opinion, a thing of the past." comment to Life Magazine.
Having another John Ringling North pronounce otherwise is just the kind of magical thinking that has always sold circus successfully, and that media outlets love.
Of course if I was Feld Entertainment I wouldn't like it. But if I was Feld Entertainment I'd have a 100th Anniversary Edition of the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus under a bigtop in 2007, so what do I know.
RBBB certainly has the equipment and animals to do it. Can it move by rail also?
Who owns the KM Bulls? Are they Rawls or Barb millers? I just hope North doesn't try to change the biggest little show on the road to much
The Kelly-Miller elephants are leased from the Carson & Barnes Circus.
The KM bulls are "leased" from the Carson and Barnes stable. At least that's what I've always heard the arrangement referred to. Barbara and Geary Byrd were also part owners of the KM show. Just the David Rawls part was offered for sale.
Things are starting to get tricky here. If Carson and Barnes were part of the package, there would be a chance of having a really big old time fashion circus. But then Kelly Miller would lose its small circus charm. They were such a neat, clean show. Very well managed and good family fun. Just needed a track for a spec and blow off ending and it would be perfect.
As I understand it there where 3 owners of Kelly Miller and the Byrds are the only ones that I'm not sure are selling thier interest in the show. Jim Royal will be running the show and they are contacting the old staff to re-hire them if they are available. It will be business as normal. It is not sure if the show will remain in Hugo for more than the first year at this time.
Has Ted Polk of Circus Vargas
passed away?
An Old Friend.
I'm rather sad to see that Yenda's passed on... if only I'd Googled a few years ago!
I have a few pictures of him and Tanya the elephant from 1965, when they were in Las Vegas and he worked with my dad, Rocco Colella.
The link should also be on my Username...
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