Wednesday, September 27, 2006
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Welcome to Buckles Blog. This site is for the discussion of Circus History all over the world.
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9/27/2006 06:59:00 AM
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For years many people thought that I was James M. Cole's son. In the late 80's I finally met Mr. James M. Cole, and I became good friends with this first class showman. To confuse matters even worse, while at the Sarasota Circus Festival, he went around calling me "Son" and I called him "Dad". We were not related in any way. I did have an Aunt however who worked as a dancer in vaudeville and once filled in with the Ortons (Buckles Family) in their low wire act.
That previous "Anonymous said" comment was sent in by me, and I forgot to sign it! The other "real" Jimmy Cole
Jimmy Cole was one of the smoothest going managers i ever worked with, never got angry. after the 1966 king show season he married Heidi Van Loo, He was always ribbing me because I had always flirted around with her. He/
'd tell me, "See son, us old guys have sex appeal also".great guy!
As for the other Jim Cole, we've never met... or maybe we have...I was on the Cristiani -Wallace show when he took that picture of Hugo Zachinnis canon...he may have bought a snow cone from me.
* OTHER COMMENT- I think the word "opulence" might be exaggerating things a bit.
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