Sunday, September 17, 2006

Bertram W. Mills' Circus 1928-29 #1


A veritable King of Lions, Togare, who hails from the East, is of the same athletic build as Douglas Fairbanks, to whom he bears a strange resemblance.
Everything in his performance is accomplished without apparant effort. The animals that are now so placidly under control were complete strangers to him a few weeks ago.
He does not train or tame his subjects. He seems to hypnotise and enchant them.
His glance is sufficient, no matter in what mood or temper he finds him.

(Again there is no running order listed in the program but the Personalia section includes, CON COLLEANO, wire walker THE GREAT CARMO, illusionist, LYDIA WALTERSTEIN, high school rider, ERIK HUBERT, gymnast, JOSEF BAKER, cyclist, THE REINSCH BROTHERS horsemen, VAN HORN AND INEZ, skaters, CAPT. ANKNER, horses at liberty and CHARLIE RIVELS, famous clown.)