I have been enthralled by your Blog – I found it by “accident” the other day and unfortunately have not gotten any work done, since!! Let me take you back, I mean WAY back to the summer of 1974. You hired a “GIRL” for the elephant crew at RBB&B Circus World Showcase – A sheer act of desperation, since you were short handed and the guys hadn’t had a day off in weeks. Well, that was me! I was Cindy Weidley at the time and absolutely enamored by the elephants (Always have been)! I remember Chappy Fox in the elephant barn the first day I worked…he kept trying to get me to go to the Big Top and sell hot dogs...I told him I could do that kind of work at McDonalds! I worked pretty hard that summer! Scott Riddle was appalled that you stooped so low (to hire a GIRL). I learned sooo much from you and Barbara and still have awesome memories of that short “season.” I remember leaving because I had been offered a position in one of the (few) Dinner Theatres in The Herriotts were our “next door neighbors” the first year I was on the show and I still say, I learned my “best shots” from Mary Ruth! They sure were a class act! I was crushed when I heard of Mary Ruth’s accident. My husband & I worked for Robert Baudy in the winter of 1980-81 (when the Beatty Show did their “indoor” fiasco) We went back on the show in ’81 for the regular season. Roger Smith and Larry Allen Dean were on the cat act that season, too. Anyway, looking through your blog and the archives, I have been flooded with those memories of Circus World, the Calliope on the Merry-Go-Round’s rendition of “You’re a Grand Old Fag” (hee hee!) and walking the herd of 19 elephants (I used to be able to name every one of them!) across US 27 to the truck stop to weigh them! Let’s see – you had a Martingale on Hugo and he was chained to Anna May for the trip! I had the shovel and the wheelbarrow, under Scott’s direction! From what I can remember the crew consisted of Scott Riddle, Blackie, Gordon, Rusty, Wayne and Billy Bouthalere (sp?) Gordon used to say “You wanna know how to piss off Buckles??? Hide his elephants!!!) That following December I went with you to help handle Nirvana at the Showfolks Circus (I remember it was your anniversary – You couldn’t remember if it was 15 years on the 14th or 14 years on the 15th!) I hope you are all doing well. It’s interesting how people make an impact on your life. You and Barbara made such a great impact on mine, and I just don’t know how to tell you how much I appreciate those few months in the summer of 1974! I still keep in contact with a few folks on the Beatty Show, and Heidi Herriott Koch lives here in Now, I am the Community Relations Manager for the ABC Network in Orlando – WFTV Channel 9) I manage the Community Program: WFTV 9 Family Connection. I still get an odd look from people when I tell them I was an elephant handler for Ringling Bros. Circus one summer…it tends to lead to interesting conversation! I think you told me once that I was the FIRST girl in the History of the Ringling show to be an elephant handler, and I KNOW I was the first girl that I would love to stay in touch, that is… if you even remember who I am! It WAS a long time ago! ( Warmest regards, Cindy Weidley Potter |
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Voice from the Past
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8/24/2006 04:05:00 PM
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To Cindy, thanks for sharing your memories of working at Circus World and later CB-CB circus.
Chappie Fox was a dear friend of mine and was responsible for my interest in the circus and Circus World Museum. I can hear him telling you that you should be selling hot dogs and not in the elephant crew. That was Chappie.
Your nice comments about your experiences and what you leaarned while working with Buckles and Barbara Woodcock reminds me of a few months ago when, a then new reader(and occassionally current contributor)to the blog., related her experiences with the Woodcocks and how much she learned from them. Her name is Karen Glenn and she was married to Benny Williams in the Circus World days and went on the Blue Show with the family.
There is no question that Buckles and Barbara are great people and have unselfishly given of their talents to many, many aspiring circus people over the years.
Now that you have been introduced to Buckles blog you will be a daily reader. Don't forget the Archives to see what you have missed.
Hi J!
Yes I remember Karen! She and Benny were just dating at the time. I believe she had a son named Shane. She was a very nice young lady and had gorgeous long hair!
Barbara & Buckles will probably NEVER KNOW how much they influenced my life in that short period of a time. I used to be mesmerized by Buckles training technique. Sometimes he would just nod and Anna May would know what he meant! I never saw anything that even RESEMBLED mistreatment among their animals: horses, leopards or elephants.... It's too bad the A/R folks couldn't have learned a REAL lesson about "animal rights!" If I was a believer in reincarnation I'd want to come "back" as one of Buckles elephants or Barbara's leopards or one of Dave Hoover's cats! I know - because I took care of them!
I feel very honored to have been in the circle of the Woodcocks, the Herriotts and the Hoovers. Even though I was a townie-turned-show-broad and mostly in the background, they all treated me as one of the "family"!
You have to remember in 1974 women's lib was a new state of mind! Not that I was a real advocate but I just wanted to work around the elephants! Chappy just couldn't figure that out! He was a very sweet man... and I understood his position. Finally he just turned around shaking his head, and never bothered me again!
I am checking out the archives - as I said in my email to Buckles - "I haven't gotten any work done in days!"
Thanks for your kind words.
I know how you feel about the Hoover's. I learn a lot from Dave and Lois, when I work for them on the LE Barnes Circus.
OH MY GOSH! Can you believe 32 years has flown by! Great to hear from you! I'll definitely be a regular here - it's good to communicate with people that know what you've experienced and been through! I'm in a corporate setting now and it's a very interesting way of looking at things! By the time they figure out "who" is going to do something, I could have it DONE! It's the old mud-show-mentality; you better get it don NOW, because tomorrow you'll be 150 miles away!!
I took care of Turk, too - I was throwing some hay over the top of his chainlink stall one morning and lost me footing and slipped. I was "hung" up on the top barbs of the chainlink, I got 5 stitches under my left boob and 2 stitches in my right hand! Of course for a while all the guys wanted to "see my stitches!" One morning Scott walked into the rest room in the bunkhouse by mistake, while I was changing into my khakis. He jokingly hollered to the other guys "I think I saw the stitches!!"
I have a daughter who will be 23 in October. She & her husband live here in Winter Park. She has her degree in Ministry. As I mentioned to Buckles & Barbara recently, "There is nothing like raising your kid on the Circus to set them on the right path!! She was riding elephants practically before she could walk! Ora Logan made her a costume once, that was exactly like the "big girls" and she rode "Conti" with Ora's niece in the town's 4th of July Parade in Brick, New Jersey! I think she was nearly 3 years old!
I'm looking forward to your Blog, too!
My best to you, Shane and Kirsten!!
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