Sunday, August 20, 2006
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8/20/2006 12:09:00 AM
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Eric is probably Henrich's son, I can check my sources if somebody is interested in the minor Hagenbeck genealogy
I feel sure that the L. Gautier listed in this program is Axel Gautier's father Louis.
Yes, it was probably Louis, known as Lulu (1887-1949).
His son was Axel, his daughter was miss Ingeborg, Trolle's wife.
Gautier is one of the oldest dinasties exixting. It have been recently discovered that the founder, Jean-Baptiste, was exhibiting an elephant around Europe as back as 1779.
Its written in a swedish circus book (P.A. Wåhlberg, Cirkus i Sverige, 1992, ISBN 91 7798 591 5
), that Jean Baptise Gautier bought the elephant in London, and travelled together with his family and an assistant by the name Anton Agazzi through Preussia, Poland, Russia and Finland, arriving in Sweden in 1804. Later they went to Denmark where the elephant was killed during the capture of Copenhagen. Gautier later showed the stuffed elephant on a square in Copenhagen for money.
Yes, I have that book. It is a wonderful source for many dinasties, especially Houcke and Schumann. Even if most of us don't read the language, I suggest to find the book if somebody is interested in that matters. Thanks for remind it.
The last and precise history of Gautier family have been written by the last of Gautiers, Didier Gautier, for the French magazine "Cirque dans l'Univers", n.200, Jan. 2001.
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