Sunday, July 30, 2006
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Welcome to Buckles Blog. This site is for the discussion of Circus History all over the world.
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7/30/2006 12:42:00 AM
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His Honor is referring to Gee Gee Engesser's 80th Surprise Birhday Party at the Gibsonton Showfolks Club yesterday. A big turnout for this affair which was several months in planning by her son Bill and required elaborate detail to be kept a secret.
The highlight was Gee Gee's life told on a large screen, ranging from the Engesser family in St. Peter, Minn. in the 1910's right up until her days when recently holding a posiion in the Ringling office.
Several people spoke about her career as a horsewoman, dog trainer, Elephant Empress and producer of the show at Parc Safari in Canada.
Bill gave me a copy of the tape that includes a Movie Tone News Reel clip showing Gee Gee with Schell Bros Circus in 1934 at age 8 working the elephants. I'll see if I can get Shannon to place it on the Blog.
I won't attempt to name all the people attending but I might add that the liquor was free and afterward several notables, in a somewhat state of stupification, were inverviewed by a PBS film crew for a possible future Documentary.
Did she train the dolphins at Parc Safari African? And was she there in 73? Gary
Circus Busch was one of the 3 State-owned touring units of the DDR (Democratic Republic of Germany), the other two being Berolina and Aeros.
It was originally the Jacob Busch circus, a large big top of the '20 and 30s, nothing to do with Busch dinasty from Berlin. It became state circus in 1952 and toured many eastern countries. I saw it last time in 1986. At the end of communism, circus Busch and Berolina was purchased by Spindler trainer family and is today the Busch-Berolina circus, with two rings and probably the largest herd of camel and dromedars ever seen (something as 30).
Busch, Berolina and Aeros used to rotate their state-owned acts and animals to vary the programs.
Raffaele De Ritis (Italy)
Thanks for your comments here and regarding the elephants on #6.
I plan on showing a program from Circus Aeros next Sunday, any further information would be appreciated.
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